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03/23/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/23/1976 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:02:24 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />March 23, 1976 <br />insurance payment to $50.00. <br />Mr. McLean suggested using the cost of living index as of that date instead of the <br />4 %. There was discussion on this method with no decision reached. <br />Mr. Bastain said the union can agree with the 12 months contract - cannot agree to <br />The 4%, would agree with the 18 months contract but only with the 6% escalator <br />clause. <br />Mr. Schneider felt that a 4% increase is all the City can live with. Mr. McLean <br />asked if the contract could be reopened for a six months agreement? <br />Mr. McLEan moved to agree to a one year contract effective 1 -1 -76 to 12 -31 -76 with <br />a six months re- opened clause to specify wages, holiday, and insurance only to be <br />negotiated. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if there is any problem with a cut back? Mr. Bastain said, <br />No, the contract allows the City to determine the use of the personnel and there <br />is no problem with the cutting of the hours of the personnel. <br />Mr. Karth seconded Mr. McLean's motion. Motion carried. <br />On the matter of the Police Clerk /Typist, Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Locher to read <br />the correspondence with the Police Officer's Training School which denies the app - <br />licaton of Mrs. Pankratz for entrance into the school on the premise they do not <br />consider her as a Police Officer. <br />After the letters were read, Mr. McLean asked if the Union was familar with the <br />City's answer to the Human Rights charges that had been filed by Mrs. Pankratz? <br />They knew of this matter. <br />Mr. Bastain asked if the City is creating a job description of a Police Clerk? <br />Mr. Locher said this has existed at all times. This would merely add a third job <br />classification of that of a Police Clerk under Article 11, Subdivision 2.1. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to create the job classification. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motdon <br />carried. <br />The fact that she had been sworn in was discussed. Mr. Locher pointed out that <br />all Council members are sworn in with the same form. There is nothing special <br />about it. Mr. Zelinka asked if it is necessary for her to be a sworn person to <br />handle certain papers and he was told, No. <br />Mr. Bastain said Mrs. Pankratz was asking for $750.00 per month. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said that he would only approve an 8% salary increase. This is <br />consistent with the salary increases of the other employees. Mr. Bastain went to <br />consult with Mrs. Pankratz. Mr. Wisenburger told Mr. Locher, who reported to the <br />Council, that Mrs. Pankratz would settle for $730.00 per month and drop the charges <br />with the Human Rights Commission. <br />The Council refused the offer and Mr. Wisenburger returned to consult with Mrs. <br />Pankratz. <br />Mr. Bastain returned to the Council chambers and said the final offer was $725.00 <br />per month for Mrs. Pankratz. <br />
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