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03/25/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/25/1976 Council Minutes
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March 25, 1976 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 <br />P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider, Zelinka. <br />Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen noted this meeting is for the express purpose of hearing information <br />relative to the complaint of Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. A petition with approxi- <br />mately one hundred signatures asking for the removal of Chief Myhre and Sgt. Costa <br />for using bad judgement had been presented to Mayor Bohjanen at the March 22, 1976 <br />Council meeting. The Mayor requested the Clerk to read the heading on the petition. <br />Chief Myhre made the following remarks relative to the charges. The charges on the <br />petition only cite 'bad judgement' with no specific charges listed; only 94 persons <br />on the petition live in Lino Lakes; only 64 are registered voters; quite a few of <br />the names listed are persons who have had dealings with the Police Department. <br />Chief Myhre cited the number of incidents the Police Department have handled and <br />the many cases that have been solved. He felt the Department is run efficently and <br />the incidents are handled correctly. <br />Mr. John Webster presented their side of the incident and the reasons for the pet- <br />ition. There was a difference in the length of time Mrs. Webster was detained. <br />Cheif Myhre said the time is recorded on tape at Central Communications - it can <br />be checked. <br />When Mr. Webster had concluded his statement, Mayor Bohjanen asked if any one had <br />any comments. <br />Chief Myhre explained why the Lino Lakes Police Department was at the location and <br />for what purpose, The stopping of the Webster car was handled in the normal proc- <br />edure for any department involved with a possible felony suspect. <br />There was discussion on the wearing apparel of Mrs. Webster, the fact the weather <br />was bad and there was poor visibility, the location of the driveways and the common <br />driveway of two of the buildings. <br />Mr. Zelinka read an article from a Texas paper citing an incident where the wrong <br />apartment had been forcibly entered and searched for drugs. There was no legal <br />action planned against the officers who participatedin this action; it stated they <br />simply made a mistake. <br />Chief Myhre quoted the State Statutes that supported the action they had taken. <br />He apologized to Mr. &Mrs. Webster but felt they had acted in accordance with the law <br />and relevant to the situation. <br />Mr. Webster asked why he had not been called and Sgt. Costa said there was one civ- <br />ilian on the scene and they did not want any one else involved in what could be- <br />come a dangerous position. <br />Chief Myhre was asked if he knew Mrs. Webster, why was she held? He said he knew <br />who she was but he was instructed by the Anoka County Sheriff's office to hold and <br />they would advise. Mr. Zelinka noted that evenif this person had been the Chief's <br />brother, he couldn't have let him go. <br />Mr. Schneider said the petition says 'several' incidents, what are the others? <br />Mr. Webster cited an incident with a motor home that occurred in 1973. Chief Myhre <br />presented his side of the incident, and the advise he had given to Mr. Webster. <br />
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