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03/25/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/25/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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March 25, 1976 <br />Mr. Webster paid the way he sees things and the way the Police see things are very <br />different- . He felt there was no reason to continue this discussion. He said <br />he was just going to give up. <br />Mr. Locher reported that he had consulted with the Sheriff and the Detective in- <br />volved in this case. He has a copy of the detective's report and the indication <br />of an armed and dangerous man is noted in this report. This person has been under <br />suspicion of first degree murder. <br />Mr. Webster had made several references to the Police Reportand he was asked how <br />he had this information. Mr. Webster said he had a copy of the Police Report. <br />The Council was asked if this was common practice to give out copies of the Police <br />reports. Mr. Zelinka said the report contained no information other than reference <br />to the incident involving Mrs. Webster and he had given Mr. Webster a copy of the <br />report. <br />There was discussion as to what happens to this report - does it stay in the local <br />office or is sent on to Anoka County. Chief Myhre said this report stays here. <br />Mrs. Vi Schwankl felt the positive actions of the Police Department should be poi- <br />nted out and appreciated, not to always point out the mistakes. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the complaints to him have concerned Sgt. Costa and he has dis- <br />cussed this matter with Sgt. Costa. Most People who have contacted him have ob- <br />jected to the manner in which they were treated. They felt Sgt. Costa was too <br />blunt. <br />Sgt. Costa said he can accept this a constructive critism. He said he is an ex- <br />New Yorker and some times the manner in which he presents himself is on the gruff <br />side. <br />Both officers apologized to the Websters and assured them and the people who had <br />signed the petition, this incident would be forgotten. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to tender Council apology to the Websters but the handling of <br />this matter was within proper Police action and no further action will be taken. <br />Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Bohjanen told the Websters the records of this incident stay at the City Hall <br />and will go no further. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Zelinka said it was proper this matter was brought to the attention of the Council, <br />since the Websters felt it had not been handled properly. <br />Someone asked if the petition waspublic information? Can anyone get a copy? Mr. <br />Locher said, Yes, once it is filed with the Council, copies may be had but they <br />must be paid for. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Aye <br />These inutes were .pproved, with corrections on <br />CLERK- T'EASURER <br />7 -j /7 <br />1 <br />
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