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06/03/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/03/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />June 3, 1976 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:30 <br />P.M. June 3, 1976 for the purpose of considering the petition for sewers from <br />the residents on Highway #49, Linda and Laurene Streets, designated as improve- <br />ment 76 -1. <br />Mayor Bohjanen called the meeting to order. Mr. Karth, Mr. Schneider were pre- <br />sent. Mr. McLean and Mr. Zelinka were absent. Mr. Locher, Mr. Carley and Mr. <br />Gotwald were present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the petition <br />for sewers along Highway #49, Linda and Laurene Streets. Mayor Bohjanen ask- <br />ed Mr. Locher to read the legal notice. <br />Mr. Locher read the legal publication noting this was published on May 20, 1976 <br />and May 26, 1976. The notices to the property owners were mailed from the City <br />office on May 21, 1976. These publications and mailing fulfill the legal re- <br />quirements. <br />Mayor Bohjanen introduced Mr. Carley who gave a complete background on the sew- <br />er plans for the City. He also related the series of requests that have been <br />presented to the Metropolitan Sewer Board for consideration for sewers in this <br />area and the results of those requests. <br />Mr. Carley said the 1st sewer plan was formulated in 1963. A couple years later <br />the NSSSD was formed with a planned interceptor flowing South along the Rice <br />Creek. In 1970 the Metropolitan Sewer Board was formed. The resportsibilty for <br />the cconstruction and maintenance of the sewer system in the Metropolitan area <br />was assumed by the Board and the NSSSD was dissolved. In the meantime, the Coun- <br />try Lakes Addition and the Shenandoah projects were submitted to the Metropolit- <br />an Council and were approved for sanitary systems. Building in those areas was <br />begun and the debate on the installation of the interceptor began at about the <br />same time. Since then the City has been hauling sewage and the construction <br />in the two areas has stopped. <br />In the last session of the Legislature, the Metropolitan Council was given the <br />power to control development. They have admitted partial responsibility for the <br />pollution caused by on -site systems in the Shenandoah area and the cost of haul- <br />ing sewage from Country Lakes area and have agreed to install a force main inter- <br />ceptor that will service 600 to 700 units and is supposed to be an adequate <br />system for from 10 to 15 years. <br />Mr. Carley said the first step in obtaining sewers is the presentation of a pet - <br />ition - which the residents had done; the second step is a feasibility study - <br />which his firm had done; the third step is the public hearing being conducted <br />here. The system had been set up in two sections - the North part ending at <br />Linda Street and South section terminating at County Road 'J ". The City Council <br />has the option of ordering either the North portion, or both sections or none <br />at all. <br />If the project is approved, the City Council will order plans and specifications <br />drawn. These specifications will be presented and bids advertised for; the low <br />bid will be taken and construction ordered. During construction, costs will <br />be computed and an assessment hearing will be called. <br />This assessment will be certified to the County Auditor and colleeted as part <br />of the residential taxes over a period of 20 years. This assessment can be paid <br />
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