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06/03/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/03/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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ti A.4 <br />June 3, 1976 <br />in full at any time. <br />Someone asked about Federal Funding and Mr. Carley said that Lino Lakes is not <br />eligible for this assistance since the City is located in the Metro area and the <br />Metropolitan Council controls all Federal Funding. He said the City is receiving <br />the aid indirectly since the Metropolitan Waste Control is assuming the entire <br />cost of the construction of the interceptor. <br />Mr. Carley said that persons owning corner lots will be assessed for only the <br />short side of the lot. They will be given credit for that portion that goes ar- <br />ound the corner - for instance, if a lot is 100x400', it will be counted as hav- <br />ing 350' frontage. <br />If the propertyiis sold after the assessment is certified, the assessment will <br />be paid in full. There is no State law that requires this, but, most mortgage <br />companies do. If a lot is split, the assessment can also be split. <br />Mr. Carley was asked if the residents have to connect to the system and he said, <br />Yes, the Federal requirement is that all residences be connected within one <br />year from the date of installation. Mr. Carley said that water would not be <br />installed at this time, but he would suggest the home owners put in the proper <br />lines from the house to the stub to save extra costs in the future. <br />The assessment charges would be computed on 1) the front footage; 2) acres; <br />3) general levy; and 4) unit charges. The City Council is not bound by this <br />formula in case of some changes and the assessments would not be levied until <br />a year from now. <br />Mr. Carley told the audience of the requirements from the Metropolitan Council <br />for an Ordinance to monitor the existing septic systems They are asking that <br />the systems be checked once a year and if pumping is needed a permit must be <br />obtained from the City offices. This must be reported to the Metropolitan Council <br />and if a system is found to be needing pumping too often, the owner will be forced <br />to install a complete new system according to their specifications. <br />1 <br />1 <br />There was a question on the SAC - will this charge have to be paid? Mr. Carley <br />said Yes, each home will have to pay the current charge. He was asked about <br />hook -up charges and the people were told this has not been resolved by the Council <br />to this date. <br />Mr. Anderson, the Fiscal Agent from Springsten, reported that he felt Mr. Carley <br />had covered most of the points. The Fiscal Consultant aids the City in obtain- <br />ing funds to build this system by selling bonds and working out the repayment <br />of the money. The Fiscal Agent looks at both sides - the ability of the people <br />to pay and the ability of the City to sell the bonds. <br />The 8% interest figures is set by State law. The City would sell the bondsat 62 to 7% <br />The difference would cover the administration costs and delinquent assessments. <br />The City will sell bonds to insure enough to cover the debt by 105% - this is <br />required by law. <br />Mr. Richard Weiner of 6349 Hodgson wanted to clarify the question between the <br />interceptor and the laterals. He was told the interceptor is a Metropolitan <br />facility with no assessments to the property owners - the laterals are the in- <br />ternal system to hook into the interceptor and are assessed against the affected <br />properties. <br />1 <br />
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