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06/03/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/03/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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93 <br />June 3, 1976 <br />Mrs. Elsie Wood of 6316 Hodgson asked about the connections charges. The cur- <br />rent Ordinance sets the charges at $500.00 with that amount to include the SAC. <br />Mr. McShannock of 6064 Hodgson Road said he has 10 acres with one house, would <br />this be a one unit charge? He was told yes, he asked if he would be charged <br />for more and was told just the front footage. <br />Mr. Weiner wondered how many of the people present realized how much this would <br />cost them. <br />Mrs. Ray Peterson said they own two lots along that street and don't want the <br />sewer. She felt the cost was too much and they can't afford it. <br />Mr. John Lichtscheidl, who owns lots on Laurene Street felt the same way. <br />There was a show of hands of the persons who are against the installation of <br />the sewers. It would seem that approximately 20 of the persons present were <br />against the sewers and only 6 for. <br />Mrs. Wood asked what would happen if this proposal does not go through and the <br />PCA forces the installation of a new septic system, what would the cost be for <br />that? <br />Mr. Gotwald said if the PCA forces the home owner to build a new system, thbs could <br />u15.ry- 4f above ground, and most of the systems in that area would have to be <br />installed in that way, it could cost $1500.00 and upward. <br />Mr. Locher explained the decision to install this system is a Council decision. <br />It can be ordered by this Council without a petition by a 4 /5th vote of the members. <br />The list of names on the petition was asked to be read. The Clerk read the list <br />which included Mr. Richard Weiner's name. Mr. Weiner said that his signature <br />was a forgery since he did not sign the petition. <br />Mr. Karth moved to double check the signatures against the addresses and set <br />a date for the continuance of this hearing. <br />Mrs. Wood asked if the petition had anything to do with the lift station to be <br />installed on the Webster property and she was told, No. The lift station is <br />a Metro installation. <br />Mr. Schneider seconded Mr. Karth's motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Weiner asked if the Council would consider a counter proposal. He said <br />he could get 90% valid signatures of the residents once they understood the <br />terms. He felt that all residents of the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court would sign <br />a petition against the installation of the internal system. Mr. Weiner was told <br />these signatures would not be valid since these persons are not property owners. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of these hearings is to hear both sides of the <br />question. Any petition can be presented for consideration. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to continue this hearing until 7:30 P.M. on June 24, 1976. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Harold Lehman asked if this system must be approved by the Metropolitan <br />Waste Control and Mr. Gotwald said, Yes, and consideration can only be had by <br />
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