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06/28/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/28/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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June 28, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. <br />on June 28, 1976 by Acting Mayor Zelinka. Council members present: Karth, McLean. <br />Absent: Mayor Bohnanen and Schneider. Mr. Locher was present. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of June 14, 1976 as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of June 3, 1976 as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes of June 24, 1976 as presented. Seconded by <br />Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported on the following items: <br />..Chief Myhre had re- computed the cost to Centerville for Police coverage for the year <br />1976 using the population estimates as complied by the Metropolitan Council. After <br />some discussion, Mr. McLean moved this information be presented to the Centerville <br />Council by Mayor Bohjanen for action as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Karth <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />.. Mr. Gotwald had delivered a letter to the office this day in reference to the charges <br />in connection with the Highway #49 sewer project. Normally the charges would be a <br />percentage of the overall costs of the projects and in this instance would amount to <br />$7,908.00. But, in view of the fact, the firm had included the lower section of High- <br />way #49 and they were aware of the controversial aspects of this project, the charges <br />had been computed on an hourly rate. The amount to be paid at this time will be <br />credited to this project when it is eventually constructed. The charges to the City <br />at this time is $2,426.00. <br />.. In the Metropolitan Review received on this date, notice of a meeting of the Metrop- <br />olitan Parks and Open Space Commission to be held today had been noted. No other <br />information had been received. Mr. Locher suggested this could involve the land <br />around Bald Eagle Lake since the notice also included Hugo. In this same line of <br />thought, it was noted that Mr. Joseph Huber had split 1.25 acres from his land and <br />and sold the acreage and the home. This is in violation of the City Ordinance re- <br />quiring 22 acres in an unplatted area. Mr. McLean questioned the County's respon- <br />i;sibility in making this split without reporting the matter to this City. Mr. Locher <br />said this is a City law and the County felt they do not have the personnel to police <br />matters such as this on a County wide basis. Mr. McLean felt the legality of this <br />requirement should be looked into by the Planning and Zoning Board. He requested the <br />Clerk to put this matter on the agenda for July. <br />.. Two letters, from Centennial School and Mr. Glenn Rehbein, giving the City permission <br />to block the end of 4th Avenue at Elm Street had been received. Mr. Zelinka had been <br />contacted. He said he had no-objections to the blocking of the Street but would ask <br />the barricade be set back approximately 160' from Elm Street. Mr. Zelinka told the <br />Council his company has plans for developing that corner in a couple of years and <br />a driveway would exit on 4th Avenue. Mr. Zelinka said he would send a letter setting <br />forth his requests. <br />Affadivits of publication for the General Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report and the <br />advertising for bids for a new pick up truck had been received. <br />.. A questionaire from the Director of Housing of the Metropolitan Council had been rec- <br />eived. Mr. McLean looked the form over and suggested the Clerk use Ordinance #56 <br />to answer the questions. <br />.. A preliminary estimate of current population from the Metropolitan Council had been <br />received. The estimate sets the population of Lino Lakes at 4,109 as of April I, <br />1976. If the City has questions about this figure and can justify any changes, the <br />Metropolitan Council will consider these concerns up to July 15, 1976. It would seem <br />the only manner in which to question this figure would be by conducting a census. <br />
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