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06/28/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/28/1976 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:05:17 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1!,5 <br />June 28, 1976 <br />Mr. Locher said one of the other communities had questioned the procedures for the <br />census and had found that the City would have to hire Federal people to conduct the <br />census and provide office space and equipment for them. Mr. Zelinka felt that if <br />the figures for construction of new homes for the years 1970 through 1975 were com- <br />puted and multiplied by the 3.2% persons per home, added to the Federal figure of the <br />last census and presented to the Metropolitan Council, this may be a point for consid- <br />eration. The Clerk was instructed to compwte these figures. <br />.. A request from Northwestern Bell for the replacement of buried cable on Andall Street <br />had been received. The present cable has been damaged by water. There was some dis- <br />cussion of this matter. Mr. McLean moved to approve this request subject to approval <br />by Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk was <br />asked if the maps of the underground utilities had been received as requested. The <br />Clerk said that Circle Pines, Anoka Electric and NOrth Central Public Service had <br />sent the maps. Northwestern Bell and NSP have not complied as yet. The Clerk was <br />instructed to write those two firms again. Mr. McLean moved they be informed that <br />any future requests for buried cable might not be considered until the maps are re- <br />ceived. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion careted unanimously. <br />Acting Mayor Zelinka asked if there was any business from the floor that should be handled <br />at this time. A lady representing the Majestic Suburban Homes, Inc. presented the Council <br />with a letter concerned with a lot located at the end of Marshan Lane. This is the last <br />parcel of property located on that street that is not owned by the County for Park pur- <br />poses. There is no access to this property but the Company states they will finish50' <br />for the approach to the property in the same manner in which the street is finished. <br />They asked for a letter confirming the issuance of a building permit in order to close <br />IIIthe sale and start construction on a home. <br />There was a question of turn around at the end of the approach for City vehicles. It <br />was suggested this matter be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Zelinka <br />asked if the delay would cause a problem and the Lady said the buyer wanted to start <br />construction as soon as possible. Mr. McLean asked for a letter from the Engineer and <br />the Building Inspector and moved to set a special Planning and Zoning Board meeting for <br />July 7, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. for the consideration of this matter. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to send notices to all Planning and <br />Zoning Board members with copies of the parcel and letters. <br />Mr. Ronald Jaworski requested a Beer and Bingo Permit for St. Josehp's Catholic Church <br />for August 8, 1976. These permits are in conjunction with the annual chicken dinner <br />sponsored by that Church. Mr. McLean moved to approve this request with the stipulation <br />that proper insurance is provided. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher said there is a new State Statute on Bingo and has to do with the City pass- <br />ing an Ordinance governing Bingo. He will give a copy of a sample Ordinance for insp- <br />ection by the Council. <br />Mr. Karl Ferrance was also in the audience in response to a letter asking the status of <br />the back stop at the newest ball field at Sunrise Park. <br />Mr. Ferrance said they had installed the poles for the backstop but had run into problems <br />in trying to install the fence. It is old and bent to the point where it cannot be str- <br />etched and installed propert ''. Mr. Ferrance suggested the City pick up the fence and <br />discard it. Mr. McLean asked what the original agreement had been and Mr. Ferrance said <br />the City was to provide the materials and his club would put it up. Mr. Zelinka asked <br />what the cost of a backstop would be and Mr. McLean felt approzimately $500.00. Mr. <br />McLean suggested the City pick up the fence and refer this matter to the Park Board for <br />their consideration to purchase the fencing for the backstop. <br />
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