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08/09/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/09/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />August 9, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:40 P.M. <br />on August 9, 1976 by Acting Mayor Zelinka. Council members present; Karth, McLean, <br />Schneider. Absent; Mayor Bohjanen. <br />This meeting was convened early to discuss the utility proposal for the Lexington Park <br />Lakeview area. Mr. Don Carley, Mr. George Gotwald and Mr. Berg, representing Spring - <br />sted, was present. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. Carley went over the figures that had been computed by his office, explaining the <br />cost per foot for each improvement. Also, explaining that all or any portion of this <br />project can be done or deleted. There was discussion of the fact that the City will be <br />obligated to pay the special assessments on the Park Area. <br />Mr. McLean questioned the assessment for water since a new well has just been installed <br />at the Park. He suggested this assessment be eliminated. <br />Mr. Carley and Mr. Gotwald said this had been computed in this manner because this is <br />the normal manner of doing this. <br />Mr. Schneider asked about the plat Sunset Oaks, would this be included? Mr. Gotwald <br />said most of that plat is out of the area. Mr. Gotwald said he had contacted Mr. Ray <br />Payne at the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and had been assured there would <br />be no problem in servicing the Lakeview area up to the Minnesota Metropolitan Training <br />Center since there is reserve capacity in the interceptor for that area. <br />Mr. Zelinka questioned the feasibility of installing the lines on the common lot line <br />through the center of the blocks. This would have the sewer line in back of the homes. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt this would create problems in that the line from the home to the main <br />line would be over 200' long. This area would have to be kept open all winter for in- <br />spection of the man holes, there could be costs involved in the destruction of trees <br />and shrubs and if the water lines are also installed in that location, there would be <br />a problem in getting water to fire hydrants located on the streets. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked about the gas lines that are installed in the right -of -way now - <br />would this create a problem? Mr. Gotwald said the gas lines are the responsibility of <br />the gas company and since these are plastic lines, they can be moved and tied out of the <br />way with very little problems. <br />Mr. Berg presented Mr. Springsted's report on the overall cost explaining these figures <br />were taken from the Engineer's report. He was asked about the discount figure added <br />into the overall cost and explained this represents interest costs and a profit for the <br />bidders and underwriters of the bonds. This is a profit that is available immediately. <br />He felt this is a necessary item to make the bonds more saleable. <br />Mr. Berg said with the current assessed valuation of over $10 Million for the City, <br />this project is entirely feasible. The only question his firm would have, is will the <br />Metropolitan Council grant permission for the connections. <br />Mr. Gotwald repeated hls conversation with Mr. Payne, Mr. vlcLean asked if this was in <br />writing and Mr. Gotwald said, No. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt a committment should be had from the Metropolitan Council and the Met- <br />ropolitan Waste Control Commission before any more money is spent. Mr. McLean agreed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to instruct the Clerk to write to the Metropolitan Council and ask for <br />a letter confirming the consent of the orginazation for this City to connect the Lake- <br />
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