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08/09/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/09/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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12 <br />August 9, 1976 <br />view area to the interceptor. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald to assist in the composit- <br />ion of this letter. Motion was seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion was carried unanim- <br />ously. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested an informal meeting with the residents of the Lakeview area be- <br />fore the formal hearing is held to present the information available and get their <br />reaction to the costs. Mr. Zelinka asked for comment on this from the fiscal agent <br />and the Engineer. The general feeling of these two men was this is an added expense <br />since all persons would have to be notified twice. Mr. Gotwald felt that since the <br />public hearing can be continued for several times, this would be the most practiable <br />manner in which to proceed. Mr. Gotwald also felt that if this project should be ord- <br />ered, it should be done as soon as possible. This could be a saving factor in the con- <br />struction costs. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of July 26, 1976 as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..The City of Lexington had mailed an itemized bill for fighting the fire on Ware Road. <br />This amounts to almost $6,000.00. Mr. Locher reported there will be action taken <br />against Mr. Ford by the PCA or the DNR. The Anoka County Health Department wants <br />the area cleaned and has not made a final decision as yet. There was a question <br />as to the costs, if any, from the Centerville Fire Department. The Clerk was in- <br />., structed to contact Centerville Department. <br />..Chief Myhre has been requested to check on four properties in the City on the poss- <br />ibility of variance violations. He has prepared a report for the Council which the <br />Clerk read. <br />..Mr. Pete Nadeau felt that Chief Myhre's report was conservative, overly so. Mr. <br />Nadeau listed is complaints and felt that the trucks are being parked in front of the <br />-residence for the explicit purpose of identifying this as a commercial operation. <br />He said these trucks are marked with the name of the business. He said this man has <br />three or four large trucks and wanted to know how he could continue parking these <br />vehicles without being tagged? He felt the Council should take steps to revoke the <br />special use permit granted and, also, felt the special use permit was worded wrong <br />in the first place. <br />Acting Mayor Zelinka questioned Mr. Locher on just what action could be taken and <br />Mr. Locher said the City can bring civil.action. If the owner is in violation of <br />his special use permit, this could result in the issuance of a ticket. <br />Mr. McLean said the special use permit was issued for ingress and egress only on the <br />property located in Lino Lakes, and expired December 31, 1976. <br />Mr. Nadeau questioned the pas pump located at this site. The City has no information <br />as to the installation of this facility. Mr. Karth moved to have the State Fire <br />Marshall contacted for inspection for conformity to City Ordinance. Seconded by <br />Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Acting Mayor Zelinka siad if the trucks are in.violation, this must be determined <br />by the Police Department. <br />Mr. McLean said this matter of the parking of trucks of 9000# gross weight should <br />be cleared. He felt the intent of the Ordinance was not to exclude the use of the <br />
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