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08/09/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/09/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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125 <br />August 9, 1976 <br />pickup truck by private citizens and the new ruling on weight was established by the <br />state. Mr. McLean moved to pass a Resolution amending all Ordinances of the City <br />that set the gross weight at 7000# to set the gross weight at 9000# limitation for <br />the parking of these vehicles in a residential area. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Nadeau said this does not change the fact that the vehicles located at this site <br />are commercial vehicles. He has taken pictures. Acting Mayor Zelinka suggested <br />these pictures be initialed, dated and the time of day they were taken and turned <br />over to the Police Department. <br />Mr. Nadeau presented the Council with an ad taken from the telephone book listing <br />the phone at the address in Lino Lakes. Mr. Locher said the City Ordinances do not <br />cover phone listings. Mr. Locher said the exterior of a building may not be altered. <br />Mr. Mobley, Building Inspector, felt this operation is being policed vevy closely. <br />Mr. Schneider felt that nothing is being accomplished and Mr. Brokke should be in- <br />vited to a Council meeting to explain his side of the story. <br />Mr. Nadeau said the special use permit was issued over the objections of 100% of the <br />surrounding property owners. (Mr. Nadeau owns the surrounding property.) Mr. Nadeau <br />said that he had called the Building Inspector many times because he felt nothing <br />was being done about this operation. He said the Building Inspector had told Mr. <br />Brokke how to thwart all the Ordinances and that when appointments are made next <br />year, the actions of the present Building Inspector should be reviewed. <br />..The Clerk continued her report with presentation of an application from the Met- <br />ropolitan Waste Control Commission to the Department of Natural Resources for a <br />temporary permit to appropriate or use water for dewatering purposes in the process <br />of theinstallation of the force main interceptor on Birch Street. Mr. Gotwald said <br />this is normal procedure. Mr. McLean moved to approve these applications. Seconded <br />by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..A letter from Mr. Burman, Anoka County Commissioner, stating that Anoka County has <br />received the designation as an Economic Development Area and may be eligable for <br />funding under certain programs. All Council members had received a copy of this letter. <br />It was turned over to Mr. Gotwald for his inspection. <br />..A letter from the Anoka County Comprehensive Health Department on the Community Needs <br />Assessment with questions to be answered. The Clerk will answer and present to the <br />Council for their approval. <br />..The amounts of levy and State Aid had been received. Levy Limitation for the year <br />1977 is $158,982.59 and the State Aid for 1977 will be $86,102.19. These figures <br />are necessary for budget consideration. <br />..Notice of public hearings in conjunction with the rate increase requested by Northern <br />States Power Company begin August 10, 1976 and continue into October until all test- <br />imony is heard. <br />..Mr. Donald Moore, President of SHIDON, Inc., who operates the Wood Shed has applied <br />for a retail Off -Sale license for 3.2% beer. This application was in order. Mr. <br />McLean moved to approve the license. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously <br />..Mr. James Ray, Insurance Agent, had asked for an updated estimate of values. The <br />
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