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September 13, 1976 <br />The form also asked to make a note if the employee left the place of employment <br />for any reason other than lack of work. Mrs. Oman had resigned and this was noted <br />on the form. A redetermination of benefits had been received and the Clerk was <br />advised by the City Attorney to file an appeal, which she did. Mr. Schneider ask- <br />ed if there had been a request for references . The Clerk said there had been one <br />call. The person calling had been told of the prejudice of the Clerk by the Clerk. <br />The person calling said she was checking into Mrs. Oman's former places of employ- <br />ment because of the eight positions in the past ten years. She was told that Mrs. <br />Oman had good qualifications and the ability to perform, if she wanted to. The <br />Clerk had been asked if she would rehire Mrs. Oman and had said, No. <br />..A request for a variance from Mr. Webster and Mr. Rehbein for the transfer of <br />title on a parcel of land of less thatn 21 acres. These parcels will be purchased <br />by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for sites for the installation of the <br />lift stations. Mr. Karth moved to pass these requests to the Planning and Zoning <br />Board and then poll the Council for their opinion in order not to delay the install- <br />ation of the lift stations. <br />Mr. Schneider felt that in the future all requests for references should be hand- <br />led by the Personnel Commission. After some discussion, Mr. Schneider so moved. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Larry Leibel appeared before the Council on behalf of his parents who request- <br />ed a variance to split a parcel of land in order for Mr. Leibel to build a home <br />and be near his parents. This request had been rejected by the Planning and Zon- <br />ing Board since each parcel would have a front footage of 104' and not the required <br />150'. Mayor Bohjanen felt that since Mr. Leibel had been unable to attend the <br />Council meeting where this had been discussed, Mr. Leib& should be allowed to <br />present his side of the request. <br />Mr. Leibel said his parents are getting too old to be able to take care of the <br />property. He said that in order to buy land that he could afford he would have <br />to go to North Branch. His parents will give him the land and the reason for the <br />diagonal split is in order not to disturb their driveway. <br />Mr. Gotwald said the only requirement that a variance would need to be considered <br />for is the 150' requirement since each lot would have more than one acre. <br />Mr. Schneider felt that since this had been rejected he would like to hear Mr. <br />McLean's report on this matter. He asked Mr. Leibel if he could return for the <br />next Council meeting. Mr. Leibel said he works nights and it's almost impossible <br />for him to get off work. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said he would recommend this variance be allowed. Mr. Schneider <br />felt he would like to hear the other side of the story. Mr. Leibel repeated his <br />reasons for requesting the variance. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to table this matter until the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Motion carried with Mayor Bohjanen voting, No. <br />Mr. Karth felt this lot should be squared off for future purposes. Mr. Leibel <br />said the property would stay in the family. Mr. Karth said this should be reconsid- <br />ered by the Planning and Zoning ans asked if his parents could attend the meet- <br />ing on September 15, 1976 and they said they could. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said he had quite a few calls and a letter from the residents of <br />1 <br />