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10/14/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/14/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />October 14, 1976 <br />A special meeting for Union Contract discussion with the Police Department and Union <br />Representatives was scheduled for 7:30 P.M. on October 14, 1976. <br />Council members Karth, McLean, Zelinka and City Attorney Locher were in the Clerk's <br />office waiting for the arrival of the remaining Council members. Mr. Wisenburger, <br />Union Representative entered the office and told the men the follwing items are what <br />he needs in order to have the authority to settle the contract: <br />$1,300.00 as top salary for a 3 year patrolman with $1,226.00 to remain as the <br />top figure for 1977; 8% applied to all other steps in the salary scale; this <br />8% figure to also apply to the Clerk's position; $55.00 per month for H & W <br />benefits and nine(9) holidays. He suggested the Council discuss this. <br />The Council men present convened in the Council Chambers and Acting Mayor Zelinka <br />called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. Council members present; Karth, McLean, <br />Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; Mayor Bohjanen. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />The Union demands were discussed. Mr. McLean felt the 8% was a valid fugure but could <br />not agree to the $1,300.00 as top salary. He felt this would be like negotiating <br />a two year contract in that two patrolmen would reach that point at the beginning <br />of 1978 and the contract would be open for negotiations using this figure as the <br />base salary for the 1978 increase. <br />Mr. Schneider said there is only so much money - he askedabout the holidays. The <br />City is offering seven - the Union is asking for nine. <br />Mr. McLean asked Chief Myhre if the 8% salary increase is granted to the Clerk and <br />it becomes necessary to cut back in the Police Department, what position would he <br />cut? Chief Myhre said, one of the parttime patrolmen. <br />Mr. McLean disagreed. He felt the Police Department provides a service to the public <br />by being on the streets, and any cut should be in the administration, not the patrol. <br />Mr. Karth asked if the possibility of eliminating the part time and having one more <br />full time patrolman had been considered by the Chief? Chief Myhre said, Yes, but <br />he felt the level of service could not be maintained. <br />Mr. Karth asked if it would not be less expensive with one more full time in the place <br />of the part time and Chief Myhre said, Yes, and there is also more aid from the State <br />and other sources. <br />There was discussion of the hours that would need to be handled by this person and <br />the scheduling difficulties. Mr. Karth suggested using this Patrolman on a split <br />shift type of schedule in order to fill in where the part time personnel is working <br />now. <br />The Council agreed on the following offer to the Union: <br />The top salary will stay at $1,226.00 per month, deleting the $1,300.00 figure; <br />8% salary increase on the steps, seven holidays, $50.00 per month for H & W, with <br />the Clerk's salary increase to remain at the $10.00 per month figure. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Wisenburger to join the Council. Mr. Zelinka told Mr. Wisen- <br />burger the Police Department is not the only employees that must be considered. All <br />other City employees are below the minimum average salary of other communities. The <br />99)) <br />Fi' <br />4J .� <br />
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