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10/14/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/14/1976 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:11:56 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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October 14, 1976 <br />Police Clerk is the highest pay scale in the City in that her salary is at the aver- <br />age level in comparison to the average salary paid in other communities. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Wisenburger if the $1,300.00 top figure indicated a two year <br />contract and Mr. Wisenburger said, No, this would be only if the 1978 rates remained <br />the same as the 1977 rates and this isn't likely. <br />Mr. McLean asked if this meant that the 1978 negotiations would then begin at the <br />$1,300.00 figure and Mr. Wisenburger agreed. <br />Mr. Zelinka presented the following as the City's offer to the Police personnel: <br />The top salary figure will remain at $1,226.00; 8% applied to the other salary <br />steps for all employees except the Clerk. That position to receive a $10.00 <br />per month; $50.00 per month for H & W and seven holidays. Mr. Zelinka said <br />these figures will have to hold or some services will have to be cut. <br />Mr. Wisenburger said he did not have the authority to settle on that offer. He left <br />to consult with the Police personnel that was present. <br />In the interium, Mr. McLean explained what the Planning and Zoning has been discuss- <br />ing in their special meetingsand the point that has been reached. The Planner and <br />the Engineer would like to meet with the Metropolitan Council staff personnel and pre- <br />sent the actions taken in order to get their input. Mr. McLean asked for indication <br />of approval of this meeting. The Council members gave their approval. <br />Mr. Wisenburger returned. He told the Council members he will meet with the members <br />of the Police Department and present the City's offer. If this offer is not accepted <br />by the personnel, he will then file for mediation. <br />Mr. Locher had prepared a draft of a lease agreement with Mr. Schwankl for the road <br />grader. He read this agreement to the Council members for thier comment. Several <br />points must be checked. Mr. Locher will prepare the final copy for signatures. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Aye. <br />Th e minutes were approved, with correction on 49/„A ., i /976 <br />2 <br />CLERK - TREAURER: <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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