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10/25/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/25/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />October 25, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M., <br />October 25, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Mr. Locher will arrive later. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of October 12, 1976 as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried with Mr. McLean abstaining. <br />The minutes of October 14, 1976, were corrected as follows: Page 2, paragraph 6, <br />delete 'permission to authorize' and insert 'indication of approval'. Mr. Zelinka <br />moved to approve the minutes with the above correction. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for consideration; <br />..A letter from Mr. Locher giving clear title to the Pine Haven property. <br />..Received a letter from the Rice Creek Watershed Board giving approval for excavat- <br />ion of a duck pond to Steve Krube on Pine Street. <br />..There was also a letter of approval to the Seaplane Base for the dredging of a <br />portion of Rice Lake. Mr. Olson was here in connection with that project. <br />Mr. Olson reported that a pilots organization had been formed in order to get this <br />project off the ground. He had sPent quite a bit of time at the State office of the <br />aeronautical board and had found there is a possibility of getting some Federal fund- <br />ing if the project is backed by an organization. This cleaning of the lakes would <br />include Rice Lake, Marshan, and George Watch. He has also been in contact with the <br />Anoka County Park Department. Most of the places he contacted felt this is a worth <br />while project, but there is no money available. The pilots organization was formed <br />to give substance to these requests and they are in the process of preparing the nec- <br />essary papers for the aeuonautical board to present to the State for funding. <br />Mr. Olson asked for the support of this Council in his efforts. Mr. McLean moved to <br />direct the Clerk to write a letter of support for this organization and assist in any <br />other way.,they can as long as they conform to the concepts of the Open Space Agreement <br />with the Anoka County Park Department. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanim- <br />ously. A copy of this letter to go to the Park Board. <br />Mr. Olson requested the use of the Hall for a pilots meeting on November 4, 1976. <br />There is a Personnel Commission meeting scheduled for that evening but Mr. Zelinka said <br />they could meet in the Clerk's office. <br />..The Clerk had received a request from the Boy Scouts for the use of the Hall on <br />October 28, 1976 for a Court of Honor. Mr. Karth so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Notice of the Police Contract being certified for mediation had been received, <br />all members have a copy. <br />..Municipal fines in the amount of $537.17 for the month of September had been re- <br />ceived. <br />..A letter from the Anoka County Assessor's office asking for the status of a parcel <br />of land owned by the City. The Clerk is to fill out the form and return it to the <br />Assessors office. <br />
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