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10/25/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/25/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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154 <br />October 25, 1976 <br />Mr. Schneider reported on the planting of trees at the Lino Park by Steve Hill as a <br />part of his Scout project. <br />Mr. Mobley's proposal for repairing the Barn at Sunrise was discussed. The cost <br />for labor and materials amounts to $670.00. Since this is over $500.00, a second <br />bid is necessary. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to instruct Mr. Mobley to draw up plans and obtain another bid <br />for this work. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher arrived at 8:35 P.M. <br />Mr. Schneider reported two students from the University of Minnesota had been out <br />and gone over the Hall park property and will have a plan for the November 15th meet- <br />ing. Also the plans from the Recreation Associations for flooding will be presented <br />at that meeting. <br />The Lino Recreation Association had requested permission to install scoreboard at <br />the fields. These are small scoreboards and only have the advertisement from the <br />Coco -Cola Company. Mr. Schneider moved to approve this request. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Park Board had looked at the area in the shop that was to be considered for use as <br />a warming room for the hockey rink here at the Hall. The decision was this area is <br />to small and there could be a danger to the outside walls from the skates. They will <br />look at a trailer for this use. <br />Mr. Schneider presented the finalized figures for the 1977 budget. May Bohjanen <br />said before Mr. Schneider presented these figures he wanted to say that Mr. Schneider <br />had done a very good job in putting this budget together. This is the most compre- <br />hensive budget that he had seen in this City. Mayor Bohjanen also commented on the <br />cooperation of the department heads. He also thanked the Council members for attend- <br />ing the many meetings in conjunction with this budget. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Schneider went through the final budget figures for each department. General <br />fund - $119,110; Police Dept. - $84,607; Park Dept. - $11,199; Road Dept. - $71,603; <br />Civil Defense - $1,200.00; Utility Fund - $7,090.00; Fire Fund - $20,800; Shop - <br />$27,381; Debt #1 - $13,716 for a total expenditure of $356,706. Total anticipated <br />income - $187,495; levy limit of $158,982; PERA & Soc. Sec. costs - $13,726; Tax abate- <br />ments - $2,369 and a portion of Debt #1 in the amount of $1,923 are to be levied over <br />and above the levy limita--ion according to tho law. This would make a total levy of <br />$177,000.00 giving the City a total income for 1977 of $364,495.00. A balance of <br />$7,789 would be carried forward to 1978. These carry over figures is necessary to <br />keep the City in the black for the first six months of the year. <br />Mr. Schneider said the study commissions to be set up - one for the Police Department <br />and one for the Fire Coverage - are not to consider whether we are to have a Police <br />Department or whether the City is to contract for Fire Coverage, they are for the pur- <br />pose of studying the economics of operation. Possibly finding a method for less cost <br />or perhaps less service inorder to be able to afford the operation. <br />There was some discussion on the legal fees. Mayor Bohjanen asked the Attorney if <br />there is some way of limiting the phone calls from private citizens the City ends <br />up paying for? There was much discussion on this matter with no decision being reached. <br />
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