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11/08/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/08/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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16 <br />November 8, 1976 <br />The Public Hearing called for consideration of the proposed installation of a <br />sewer system for the LaMotte Second and Third Additions located along LaMotte <br />Road on the East shore of Centerville Lake was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by <br />Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; Karth, <br />McLean. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen turned the meeting over to Mr. Locher, who read the publication <br />notice that was published according to law. <br />Mr. Gotwald then presented the estimated cost figures. He said the estimated cost <br />is $63,200.00. This is based on the bids received by Centerville. Mr. Gotwald <br />repeated the fact this proposal involves only that portion of the LaMotte Addit- <br />ions that are located within the City limits of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that usually assessments are computed on a front footage basis, <br />but since all the lots in this area are basically the same size, he had computed <br />the cost on a lot basis. There are 25 lots and the approzimate cost per lot is <br />$2,528.00. This would include all costs including the stub at the property line. <br />Mr. Gotwald reminded the audience there are several steps to be taken before this <br />project becomes finalized. If approval is given at this meeting, then plans and <br />specifications must be ordered, then advertising for bids must be done, there is <br />another meeting where the bids are opened, the Engineers then analyze the bids <br />and recommend to the Council either the acceptance or rejection of the bids. If <br />the bids are approved, then a sale of bonds must be advertised and a special ass- <br />essment hearing called. There are several steps to be taken before actual con- <br />struction can begin. <br />A gentleman from the audience asked the target for completion. Mr. Gotwald said <br />if this project moves along at the normal rate, it would be Spring before any <br />construction would begin. He felt construction should be completed by the middle <br />of July. The Street should rest for a few months before being resurfaced. <br />Mr. McLean arrived at 7:45 P.M. <br />Someone asked when the assessments would be due. Mr. Gotwald said the assessments <br />coujd not be certified to the Auditor until next Fall and the first payment would <br />not be due until 1978. Based on the estimated cost of $2,528.00, with 8% inter- <br />est, the cost to the home owners would be $227.00 per year over a 20 year period. <br />One resident asked who makes the actual connection - the owner or will the con- <br />tractor? Mr. Gotwald said this is the owners responsibility. He said there have <br />been occasions when the contractor working in the street will install the connect- <br />ions to the home but this would depend on the completion of the lift station. <br />There was discussion of getting one contractor to connect all the homes in the <br />area and the problems that will be encountered by some of the home owners in the <br />switching of their systems. One person asked if he could not bring the line to <br />the back of his home. Mr. Gotwald said this might be possible - it would have to <br />be checked at the time of installation. <br />Someone asked where the stubs are put in the street and Mr. Gotwald said they <br />are put where the home owner wants them. There was a question as to the handling <br />of the old septic systems and Mr. Gotwald said they have to be filled in and Mr. <br />Locher reminded him they must be pumped first. <br />
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