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11/22/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/22/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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r <br />1 <br />1 <br />November 22, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order on November <br />22, 1976 at 8:05 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, Schneider, <br />McLean. Absent; Zelinka due to illmess. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />On considering the minutes of the November 8, 1976 public hearing on the sewers for <br />LaMotte Drive, Mayor Bohjanen said the Mr. Santo had called him to voice his objections <br />to that project. Mayor Bohjanen had explained the action taken and why. Mr. Schneider <br />moved to approve the minutes of the public hearing as presented. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried with Mr. Karth abstaining. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on November <br />8, 1976 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried with Mr. Karth ab- <br />staining. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has sent renewal forms for the contract <br />under which the City is paid to haul the sewage from Country Lakes. This renewal would <br />be undertke same terms as the one now in effect. Mr. McLean questioned the level of <br />pay - he wondered if it should remain at the same level. It was felt the interceptor <br />should be finished sometime early in 1977 and this contract should only be in effect <br />for a few months. Mr. McLean moved to approve this contract. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. <br />o Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Lexington Fire Department report for the month of October had been received - all <br />members have a copy. <br />..The application for membership in the League of Minnesota Cities was discussed. <br />The Clerk was instructed to put this matter on the agenda for December 27, 1976. <br />..$988.00 had been received for sewage hauling for the month of October; <br />..$437.50 for municipal fines for the month of October. <br />..An Insurance Binder for coverage on the road grader had been received. Mr. Locher <br />checked the coverage and would only question the $2,000.00 value placed on the mach- <br />ine. Mr. Karth will check with Mr. Volk and Mr. McGowan on this figure. <br />..A letter from the Metropolitan Council with a questionaire on housing in this area <br />was referred to the Planning Zoning to be discussed at the special meeting scheduled <br />for December 1, 1976. <br />..A letter from Lexington with a rider for the Fire Contract approving the payments <br />for July and December was read. The Clerk felt the Fire Contracts for Lexington and <br />Centerville had not been approved by the Council. These are to be put on the agenda <br />for December 13, 1976. <br />..Two applications for the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment rogram <br />were forwarded from the Metropolitan Council. One is for remodeling of the City Hall <br />and Construction of a Civic Center from Forest Lake and the other for the construction <br />of a City Hall and Community Center for Circle Pines. <br />The Public Hearing for the plat Sunset Oaks was called to order at 8:35 P.M. Mr. Lo- <br />cher presented the affadivates of publication. This hearing had been continued due <br />to an error in the legal description. <br />
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