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12/02/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/02/1976 Council Minutes
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December 2, 1976 <br />IIIThe continuation of the special hearing for utilities in the Lexington Park Lakeview <br />area was called to order at 8:05 P.M. on December 2, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council <br />members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider, Zelinka. Mr. Locher, Mr. Carley and Mr. <br />Gotwald were also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen outlined the procedures for this meeting. He asked Mr. Locher to read <br />the notice of publication and the notice that was mailed to all property owners in that <br />area. The continuation date was set at the first hearing that was held on November 16, <br />1976. <br />The Clerk was asked to read the petition presented by the residents of the area and the <br />names on that petition. <br />Mr. Carley then reviewed the discussions of the previous meeting. When a show of hands <br />of the people present at this meeting who were not present at the first meeting was <br />asked for, the majority of the people here had not been present at the first meeting. <br />Since this was the case, Mr. Carley went throught the explanations, basically present- <br />ing the same line of thoughts as the first time. <br />The draft of the proposed regulations for the installation of septic systems was discussed. <br />These regulations are being proposed by the PollutionControl Agency. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the Metropolitan Council will have the authority to enforce these <br />regulations and Mr. Carley said, Yes. Mr. McLean emphasized these are PCA regulations, <br />not Metropolitan Council regulations, and they are expected to be adopted by September. <br />IIIMr. Zelinka asked what the repercussions this document would have on the local commun- <br />ities? Mr. Carley said the Cities will be forced to employ an officer to be in charge <br />of the annual inspection of all on -site septic systems in the City. This officer will <br />also regulate where the systems are installed and the size of the system. This docum- <br />ent requires sealed tanks and if the existing systems do not conform, residents can be <br />forced to either rebuild or install an entirely new system. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if the MMTC was included in these projected costs, wculd this re- <br />duce the individual assessment and Mr. Gotwald felt that it would. Mr. Schneider asked <br />by how much? Mr. Gotwald said this had not been considered as yet. <br />Mr. Carley noted that institution has a two year extension to operate the current treat- <br />ment plant at that location. They will certainly connect, if lines are available, but <br />the City must order the system and be ready to construct before the State is approached. <br />Mr. Schneider asked about the total cost of the Park property and Mr. Carley said he <br />was coming to that. <br />Mr. Carley explained the City had applied for a federal Grant in conjunction with the <br />Cities of Blaine and Lexington for the construction of a water tower in East Blaine. <br />If this grant is approved, approximately $170,000.00 can be deducted from the overall <br />cost of this project. This is the estimated cost for installation of a well to serve <br />the area. But, Mr. Carley explained, this cost has been added in as of this date. He <br />felt it is better to inform the residents of the total possible cost. <br />IIIMr. Carley warned the people this system will have to be installed sooner or later. <br />If it is postponed, then they will have to deal with inflation and the new rules and reg- <br />ulations on the installation of septic systems and water systems. <br />The Park lands will be assessed as a part of the project. The toal cost being $86,000.00 <br />
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