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12/02/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/02/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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l6 <br />December 2, 1976 <br />which is 42% of the total costs. Mr. Carley said the bids that are being received now <br />on other projects such as this are coming in 10% to 20% below the estimates. He felt <br />there is a good chance this cost could be included in the overall project and paid <br />for by the people in that area and the assessment would not be any more than these <br />estimates. <br />If the City is to pay the assessment, a 1.17 mill would be levied against all property <br />in the City. <br />Mr. Winger of Lakeview Avenue felt the project should not be ordered until more facts <br />are known on the exact costs. He felt these figures are too indefinite and the estimates <br />are clearly just estimates. <br />Mr. Gotwald said there are many steps to be taken before a project is ordered and this <br />hearing is just the first. Each step requires a Resolution to be passed by this Council. <br />The only way exact cost figures can be obtained is for this Council to pass a Resolution <br />ordering the plans and specifications to be prepared and bids advertised for. Even <br />when the bids are in, that does not indicate the project will proceed. If the bids come <br />in at 20% over the estimated costs, then another public hearing must be called. The <br />entire project can be abandoned even then. <br />There was discussion on the utility easements on the back lot lines. A gentleman asked <br />if the costs of securing a right -of -way on the rear lot lines had been put in these <br />figures. Mr. Carley said, No, it was assumed each owner would sign a quit claim deed <br />for the easement needed. If there is to be condemnation necessary, then thiswould not <br />be the most econ'mical way to install the lines. <br />Mr. Schneider said he and Mr. Karth had attended a Cirlce Pines Utility meeting and <br />discussed the possibility of obtaining water from that utility. The Engineers were <br />to have the figures to him before this meeting but they had not arrived. <br />Mr. Joe Davis, Sunrise Avenue, apoligized for not having the figures available. <br />felt this is a possibility that should be explored. <br />Mr. Munchou asked if bids cost the City any money. He felt that by getting bids a more <br />concise cost figure would be available. Mr. Gotwald said that bids cannot be obtained <br />until complete plans and specifications are prepared. This preparation cost approximately <br />6% of the total cost of the project. <br />Mr. Schneider said he had stopped in on a neighborhood meeting and these people had <br />offered to make up a survey form and canvas the area. He felt this might be a good <br />idea. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Locher how long can this hearing be continued? Mr. Locher said <br />six months from the date of the first hearing, otherwise the publication precedures <br />would have to be repeated. <br />Mr. Gruber, Lakeview Avenue, asked if there is likely to be any Federal Grants in the <br />near future to pay for this system? Mr. Carley said all the Federal Funds go through <br />the Metropolitan Council and are used to construct treatment plants and construct inter- - <br />ceptors. There are no funds available for communities located within a regional area. <br />Mrs. Wilson, Lakeview Avenue, asked about the assessment on two lots and on corner lots. <br />Mr. Carley said the assessment would be computed on each lot and would be the same <br />amount except for the unit charges. On corner lots, the first 150' would be credited <br />to the frontage, and the remainder would then be assessed, this is because a corner lot <br />i <br />
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