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12/27/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/27/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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19 <br />December 27, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. <br />December 27, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, Schneider, Absent; <br />McLean, Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of December 13, 1976 as written. Seconded by Mr. <br />Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported on the following items for Council consideration: <br />.. The November tax levy settlement had been reeeived. The fiscal disparity received by <br />the City totaled $3,374.39 and the levy totaled $57,162.97 for a total receipt of $60,537.36. <br />Of this amount $5,541.98 had been received for special assessments and $487.30 in penalty <br />and interest. Mr. Karth asked if the amount of commercial taxes paid by the businesses <br />located in Lino Lakes had been noted and the Clerk said, No, only the amount to be re- <br />ceived by the City, <br />..Payment of the sewage hauling charges of $969.00 had been received from the Metropolitan <br />Waste Control Commission. <br />..Municipal fines for the month of November were received in the amount of $632.33. <br />..A letter had been written to Mr. Molin concerning problems that exists at the concrete <br />plant on Lilac. An answer had been received, Mr. Molin felt the problems had been cor- <br />rected in reference to the yarding area. As to the ditch, Mr. Molin said he had con- <br />sulted with Mr. Glenn Rehbein and the feeling was the present grade if the ditch would <br />not cause any problems. However, if it appears there will be a problem, the matter will <br />be corrected in the Spring. He felt that screening is not too effective, but if it is <br />required by the City Council they will do so. Mayor Bohjanen felt that some screening <br />should be done along 4th Avenue. This letter will be forwarded to the Planning and <br />Zoning Board. <br />..The Clerk had written Northern States Power and Anoka Electric for maps locating the <br />street lighting and copies had been received. <br />..A survey form from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission relating to the sewered <br />population, existing and proposed sewer connections and water supply data. This is the <br />same form that was filled out last year. Mr. Volk and Mr. Gotwald handled it at that <br />time and it was suggested they do so again. <br />..A questionnaire from the Technical Advisory Committee of Anoka County had been re- <br />ceived. This form was considered by the Council. The Clerk was instructed to complete <br />as much as possible. The portions remaining will be checked. <br />..A copy of the Actual Use Report to be filed in conjunction with the Federal Revenue <br />Sharing received from July 1, 1976 through December 31, 1976 will be made for Council <br />consideration in January. <br />Mayor Bohjanen had received a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in- <br />forming the City that funding for construction grants programs had not been appropriated <br />by the Congress therefore the City's position on the Municipal Needs List will remain <br />unchanged. He had also received a letter from the Metropolitan Council dealing with <br />funds available through HUD. The Clerk was instructed to make copies of these letters <br />for members of the Planning and Zoning Board for their consideration. <br />Mrs. LuAnne Kelly who operated a Beauty Shop in her home at 1282 81st Street, has moved <br />to 8265 West Rondeau Lake Road. She had asked about the transfer of her operation. Mr. <br />Locher said she would have to apply for a Special Use Permit and submit this application <br />through the Planning and Zoning Board. The Clerk will inform Mrs. Kelly of these <br />requirements. <br />Consideration of the Colinial Woods Hardshell was next on the agenda. Mr. Locher said <br />he had checked the copy and felt there are a couple of things that will have to be taken <br />care of. The title is still in the name of Mrs. Juliet Lundgren. There will have to be <br />a 'consent to plat' form signed and the deed will have to be filed. Mr. Locher said this <br />is acceptable. <br />
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