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12/27/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/27/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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December 27, 19761 <br />The County Surveyor had checked the plat and had two comments; 1) there are no <br />utility easements. Mr. Locher had checked with Mr. Gotwald on this and Mr. Gotwald <br />said the sewer would be put in the street - the gas and water in the right -of -way, <br />therefore, there is no need for easements. 2) the Surveyor had commented on the one <br />street name going in and out of the plat. He thought it could be confusing to people <br />entering the area. The Clerk said she had talked with Mr. Kelling on this matter and <br />it was felt that since there are no corners on the street, it would be more confusing <br />trying to decide where one street ended and the other began. This way the lots will be <br />numbered odd on one side of the street and even on the other. <br />Mr. Karth asked about that portion of 6Ith Street just West of this plat. Mr. <br />Edmundson said the easement for�Db-4'th street goes to the corner of their property. <br />He will install that protion of the street and turn over to the City of maintenance. <br />There was a question on the money in leiu of land for Parks and Mr. Edmundson said <br />the amount would be paid as soon as it is determined. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to accept this plat and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign <br />the hardshells. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Joe Davis was present with preliminary results of the survey taken in reference <br />to the petition for utilities in the Lakeview area. 68% of the people responded to <br />the survey. Mr. Davis said hewas surprised at the results. He wants to recheck the <br />results and then will turn the questionnaires over to the City. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thanked Mr. Davis and the people who had assisted him in this survey. <br />He asked if the questionnaires would be turned over to the City before the meeting <br />scheduled for January 6, 1977 in order to comapre with the list of persons who had <br />signed the petition. Mr. Davis said he would try. <br />The Police Contract with Centerville was considered. Chief Myhre had recomputed his <br />figures. Mr. Schneider asked this matter be tabled until Chief Myhre was present. He <br />has some questions on some of the figures. <br />Mr. Karth asked the Clerk to contact Blaine on the matter of the water tower and have <br />an answer before the January 6, 1977 meeting on the Lakeview area. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said he would like to have the Council know that he felt this past <br />year had been a good year and a lot had been accomplished by this Council and he felt <br />next year should be even better. <br />Mr. Karth reported the requisition for the sander is in this meetings folder. He <br />had computed that the additional sander would-Tay for itself in about a year and one <br />half in wages and time save. He also reported the springs on the Ford dump truck had <br />to be replaced. They were for a dump truck not a snow plow. <br />Mr. Karth said the matter of the sewer truck had been checked out - the driver stops <br />at home for his breaks and for lunch and Mr. Karth felt that he is not out of line. <br />About one load per week is being hauled out of the Shenandoah system. This should <br />increase as more people connect. <br />Chief Myhre had arrived. Mr. Schneider asked him about the figures in the Police <br />Contract. Chief Myhre said he had used the formula used in_previous years only adding <br />some costs for the portion of the building used. <br />Mr Schneider felt this contract costs should be computed on the valuation figure such <br />as the fire contracts are. He felt it is too late to redesign the formula for this <br />year and asked this be put in the tickler file for Jule 1977 for Council consideration. <br />He said the capital outlay is being charged at the front end and should be spread. <br />Chief Myhre was asked of Centerville had considered these figures and Chief Myhre <br />said, No. <br />
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