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02/14/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/14/1977 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:16:29 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />February 14, 1977 <br />life in the area. <br />Mr. Olson said that on Thursday, April 14, 1977, Mr. Fry of New York will be here <br />to show about three hours of films on the history of floating flying. All Council <br />members are invited to attend and any one else that is interested. <br />Mr. Karth reported the Plymouth Squad car needed a transmission and a used trans- <br />mission had been purchased and installed at a cost of $125.00. <br />Mr. Karth said the City hjs quite a few items that are not used by the City any <br />longer such as the old pick -up, the squad car, some plow blades, etc. He sugg- <br />ested contacting the surrounding communities with the possibility of an auction <br />for the disposal of these items. <br />The City would need to provide two people to act as clerks for the auction. Three <br />per cent of the gross sales would be the commission for the auctioneers. His comp- <br />any employes an auctioneer. The City would supply a list of items for sale, the <br />auctioneers take care of the advertising. The communities would pay for the ad- <br />vertising but would also have control of how much advertising and what type is done. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if he had contacted any other community on this matter and Mr. <br />Karth said, No, he had felt he should clear this with the Council first. The <br />Council members felt this was a good idea and instructed Mr. Karth to contact <br />the other communities for their thoughts. <br />Mr. Karth also introduced the idea of doing a septic system survey in the Lexing- <br />ton Park Lakeview area to determine the number of persons who have problems. He <br />felt this would give the Council some basis for a decision at the May meeting. <br />He thought this should be done by either the building inspector or the plumbing <br />inspector and had no idea of the cost. <br />Mr. Schneider suggested he contact these men and come back with some figures as <br />to the cost. Perhaps it would take both-Tien to accomplish the job. <br />There was also discussion of having the water tested in the wells in that area. <br />The Anoka County Health Department will provide the kits and test the water free <br />of charge. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Health Department for the <br />kits and Mr. Zelinka volunteered to survey the area with the kits. <br />Mr. Karth presented the new reporting forms for the hours worked by the men in the <br />parks, shop, roads and utility departments. These current reports have an entire <br />pay period, in the future there will only be one week reported on a form. <br />Mr. Schneider had nothing to report on the Park Board. He had presented the members <br />with a 1977 Cash Flow Analysis. He pointed out the problem area and asked if there <br />were any questions. There was discussion on the roll over figure and the amount <br />due on Debt #2 next year. These things will have to be worked out as the year <br />progresses <br />On the Audit Report, Mr. Schneider asked that Mr. Anfinson attend the first meeting <br />in March to discuss this report. <br />Mr. Schneider said the financial report had been prepared and he asked for the post- <br />ing of this in three places in the City. Mr. Schneider so moved. Seconded by Mr. <br />
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