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03/23/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/23/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />March 23, 1977 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. <br />on March 23, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present: Karth, McLean, Sch- <br />neider, Zelinka. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting is to inform the developers of the <br />community the restrictions being place on this City by the Metropolitan Council. <br />These restrictions are in direct relationship to the interceptor being installed on <br />Birch-Street. Mayor Bohjanen introduced Representative Howard Neison and Mr. Tom <br />Daniels, aide to Representative James Oberstar. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the City had presented a package conforming to the requests as <br />set forth by the staff of the Physical Development Committee and the Physical Dev- <br />elopment Committee staff had several issues of disagreement. This had been present - <br />ed to the Physical Development Committee on March 17, 1977 and the recommendations <br />of the staff had been approved. This matter is to be presented to the Metropolitan <br />Council on Thursday, March 24, 1977. He felt the negative attitudes of the Metro <br />Council toward this City must be counteracted and this is the time to do it. Mayor <br />Bohjanen asked Mr. Locher to present the results of the last meeting with the Phy- <br />sical Development Committee. <br />Mr. Locher presented the four areas in which the Physical Development Committee staff <br />disagrees with the City: <br />I) Allocation of capacity in the Blaine Interceptor; the City maintains this cap- <br />acity was allocated to Lino Lakes at the time of planning - staff says there <br />has never been such an allocation. <br />2) Definition of "existing development "; - the City's position is that all platted <br />lots in the Country Lakes and Shenandoah area are to be allowed to hook into <br />the interceptor; - the staff says only those homes existing now are eligible <br />for service. <br />3) Rural Service area density standards and controls. The City's presentation <br />to the Physical Development Committee will meet Metro Council requirements; <br />staff says it will nod. <br />4) Septic tank monitoring; the City will adopt the WPC - 40 when it becomes law; <br />- Staff says this is not enough, this regulation may not be as strong as Metro <br />would like. <br />Mayor Bohjanen questioned the cost of installing the interceptor. There doesn't <br />seem to be a figure available. This interceptor was designed to serve 700 - 750 <br />homes - the staff recommendations is that only the existing 63 units be allowed to <br />use the facility. <br />The Attorney was asked about the implied statement, 'that if the City did not con- <br />form to the staff recommendations, the pumps in the lift stations would be turned <br />off'. Mr. Locher said the Attorney who made the statement was corrected by Mr. <br />Starr. <br />Mr. McLean read the statement that these issues could only be resolved by direct <br />discussion with the Physical Development Committee - he asked Mr. Locher if there <br />had been any direct discussion and Mr. Locher said other that one member asking a <br />couple of questions, None. Mr. McLean asked if he had any impression as to whether <br />the members had read the submission of the City and Mr. Locher felt it would be <br />impossible for the members to read all the material submitted but he doubted if they <br />
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