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03/23/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/23/1977 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 11:18:54 AM
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Council Minutes
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March 23, 1977 <br />had even skimmed through the City's presentation. He felt the Committee depends sole <br />on staff recommendations, and the staff interprets the submission strictly accord- <br />ing to the statutes. <br />Mr. McLean said the City had computed the density standards by three different meth- <br />ods, and still haven't found a formula acceptable to the staff. <br />Mr. Ernie Zelinka asked if this density is enforced, does this mean the City is at <br />the saturation point now and Mr. Karth, said, Yes. There was discussion on the all- <br />owable homes to be constructed and the approximate number of existing units. <br />Mr. Neison asked what is Columbus Township doing to conform to Metro requirements, <br />Mr. Gotwald said he didn't know. The fact that Columbus does not pay S. A. C. makes <br />it difficult for Metro to control the development. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said some of the communities to the North are having this same sort <br />of problem with Metro. Mr. Neison said Lino Lakes is the only community in his dis- <br />trict that he has heard about having such problems. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein cited the history of this whole affair and suggested the City has <br />backed up far enough. If there is no agreement, he felt the City should instigate <br />a law suit. <br />Mr. Daniels asked what would be decided at the meeting scheduled before the Metro <br />Council and he was told, the Council could approve the Physical Development Committ- <br />ee's recommendations, disapprove and agree with the City's position or send the <br />whole matter back for further study. <br />Some of the developers in the audience asked the status of plats in the preliminary <br />stage. Mr. Karth said this is why this meeting was called - to inform the developers <br />of the possibilities in this dispute. <br />The general consensus of the Council was to continue to operate on the same premise <br />as we have in the past and if the Mettopolitan Council does not agree, then let them <br />sue us. <br />Mr. Locher was asked, if an injunction can be obtained to halt the building on the <br />North part of the City and Mr. Locher said, No. <br />There was some discussion on the fact the Anoka County Board of Commissioners had <br />passed a Resolution to the effect that Anoka County should be removed from the seven <br />county metropolitan area. <br />Mr. Nelson asked what position the City is taking and was told the City will abide <br />by the position stated in their presentation and no more. After the meeting scheduled <br />for Thursday the City will either win or will be in a fight. <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt this could be a stand off - could the City refuse to collect the <br />S. A. C. ? Mr. Nelsen asked he be given time to check this matter. <br />There was some discussion this could have on commercial property - but it was <br />felt there would be little effect. <br />Mr. Karth moved to authorize Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald to attend the Metro Council <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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