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05/09/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/09/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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May 9, 1977 <br />_A. <br />IIIThe regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M, May 9, <br />1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present: Karth, McLean, Zelinka. Mr. Schneider <br />will arrive late. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 1977 as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of May 4, 1977 as presented. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Peui.Howard, representing the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court appeared before the Council <br />with questions on the connecting of the Trailer Court to the interceptor. <br />Mr. Gotwald said there would be no construction problems within the Court since the lines <br />are there. It will be a matter of extending a main to the lift station. This line must <br />cross two parcels of private property and easements must be obtained. <br />Mr. McLean asked how many units were in the court and was told, 51. <br />Mr. Gotwald said the portion of the lines within the Court will remain a private system, <br />but the portion that crosses private property would become a part of the City system. <br />There was discussion on the obtaining of the easements and Mr. Howard felt there would not <br />be a problem. Mr. Gotwald suggested allowing those persons to hook into the main in exchange <br />IIIfor the easements. There was also a question as to the amount of S.A.C. to be paid by a mo- <br />bile home. The Clerk is to call Mr. Payne on this. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there would be any problems with the Metropolitan Council on this and <br />Mr. Locher said, No, just permission from the State Board of Health. Mr. Gotwald said the <br />present system would need to be inspected for ground water infiltration. <br />Mayor Bohjanen suggested Mr. Howard work with Mr. Gotwald on this to avoid problems. Mr. <br />Zelinka so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. William Molin was in the audience to discuss the excess dirt located on his property. <br />This dirt has accumulated during the process of expanding the storage area for his business. <br />Mr. Willard Rehbein has offered to purchase the material. Mr. Molin wondered if a permit for <br />the removal of this soil is necessary. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he had looked at the site and this is surplus dirt. He could see no reason <br />why this could not be removed, since it is excess material. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved the Council recognize this is excess material accumulated in the normal <br />procedure of expansion and no permit is necessary, and that if there is any removal in the <br />future, the Council be notified of his action. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried un- <br />animously. <br />The public hearing for the consideration of Pine Vista II was called to order at 8 :30 P.M. <br />illMr. Locher read the legal publication of the notice and reported the affidavit of publication <br />had been received. Mr. Locher made a point of informing, the Coucil that some of the legals <br />he read were for the street easement. <br />Mr. McLean read the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board. This stipulated the <br />word 'proposed' be deleted from the drainage and road easements. Mr. Nelson said this had <br />
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