May 17, 1977
<br />The 1977 Board of Review was c6lled to order at 7:00 P.M. on May 17, 1977 by Acting
<br />Mayor Karth. Council members present; McLean, Schneider, Zelinka. Absent: Mayor
<br />Bohjanen due to conflicting meetings. Mr. Arnold Kelling, Assessor and Mrs. Marjorie
<br />Roisum, Deputy Assessor were present. Mr. Gayle Leone of the Anoka County Assessor's
<br />Office was also present.
<br />Mr. Kelling explained the meeting was for the purpose of discussing the estimated
<br />market value placed on property for the 1977 assessment year.
<br />Mr. Thomas Langer - Plat 82936 - parcel 10, questioned the raise in value on 40 acres
<br />he had purchased from his father's estate. Mr. Langer was told this raise was due
<br />to the fact that the land had been removed from Green Acres. Unless he lived on the
<br />land or had owned for six years, he could not qualify for green acres. Mr. Kelling
<br />felt the market value placed on the property was fair.
<br />Mr. Lyle Bye said he had found an error in the mill rate. Mr. Leone said this was a
<br />computer problem - the taxes are correct, the mill rate is in error.
<br />Mr. John Thompson, plat 82931 - parcel 6310, said that in 1976 his home had been val-
<br />ued at $18,900.00 - he had put a basement under the house and had added to the size
<br />of the basement, this had raised his value to $27,000.00. He still must replace the
<br />siding, the windows, there are no front steps, no central heat, the placing of a
<br />basement under the home had cracked the walls and this must be repaired. Mr. Thomp-
<br />son felt the home is not worth the amount of valuation by the Assessor.
<br />Mr. Kelling said he knew the house and explained the method in which the value had
<br />been computed. He felt, in view of the repairs still to be done, that some adjust-
<br />ment in the valuation was in order. Mr. Kelling suggested lowering the value to
<br />$20,635.00. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried.
<br />Mrs. Vivian Rehbein, plat 82931, parcel 1810, just felt that people who keep their
<br />property up and improve it, are penalized by having to pay higher taxes. She felt
<br />this was unfair.
<br />Mr. Milton Jorgenson, plat 83314, parcel 1460, protested the increase in his valuat-
<br />ion due to the construction of a pole building.
<br />Mr. Kelling explained the value placed on the building and that new construction is
<br />placed on the assessment roles at full value the first year.
<br />Mr. Jorgenson asked, if he removed the building, would Mr. Kelling remove the valuat-
<br />ion from his property? Mr. Kelling said, Yes, but that would not affect the taxes
<br />due and payable in I978a
<br />Mr. Gordon Stromberg, plat 82931, parcels 500, 5100, plat 83312, parcel 820, felt
<br />that since this land is unbuildable, the value placed on the property is too high.
<br />The land has only a driveway access and building permits have been denied in that
<br />area. Mr. Kelling felt the value should be reduced on this property. Plat 82931,
<br />parcel 500, was landlocked and had a value of $140.00 per acre - this should be a
<br />fair value. Mr. McLean moved to place the value of $140.00 per acre on this land.
<br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried.
<br />Mr. Richards, plat 83313, parcel 120, questioned the value placed on his property.
<br />He had built a new garage and an addition to his home. He asked if the old garage
<br />he had removed had been removed from the assessment roles and Mr. Kelling said, Yes.
<br />The garage and addition had raised his value to $34,955.00, and Mr. Kelling felt this
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