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07/11/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/11/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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July 11, 1977 <br />') 3 <br />Lr f Q_ <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M. July 11, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, <br />McLean, Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; none. Also present, Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. Schneider questioned the Council as to what was expected from him at the <br />budget hearing set for August 1, 1977 - is he to prepare an agenda? The <br />general consensus was this should be done. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of June 27, 1977 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />On considereing the minutes of July 6, 1977 special meeting. Mr. Zelinka <br />noted in paragraph 5, page 1, the word 'County' should be changed to 'City' <br />and the word 'City' should be changed to 'County'; in paragraph 8, 2nd line <br />after'Mr. Kronholm' add, 'as agent for Drovers Bank; and delete 'said he'; <br />in paragraph 5, after the word 'said' add 'it was not the intent of the <br />bank' and delete 'he did not intend'. Mr. McLean moved to approve as <br />correcte. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented the following itmes for consideration; <br />..A letter from Mr. William Short, Planning Consultant, announcing that he <br />if joining the firm of Barton - Ashman Assocates. The Council felt this could <br />be accepted with Mr. Short being referred to as City Consultant, member of <br />the Barton - Ashman firm with the rates to remain at the present rate. <br />Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Title II funds in the amount of $1,738.00 had been received. <br />..Interest received on the savings account for the 1st six months of this <br />year amounted to $1,982.52. <br />..The second Federal Revenue Sharing payment has been deposited in the <br />savings account in the amount of $6,782.00. <br />..A letter from the Environmental Quality Council in reference to West Oaks <br />of Bald Eagle was read. This letter informed the Council that an objection <br />to the determination that no Envoronmental Impact Statement was needed had <br />been received from the Metropolitan Council. The methods in which this <br />matter can be resolved were listed. The City will be informed when the <br />method had been decided by the EQB. <br />..The check list from the Anoka County Surveyor's office on the Air Park <br />North plat has been received. This will be filed with the other material <br />on that-plat. <br />..An early draw on the tax levy has been received in the amount of $47,000.00 <br />The remainder of this will be received around the 15th of July. <br />..The Rice Creek Watershed Board had forwarded some correspondence in refer- <br />ence to the Roland Ford land fill application. The application has not been <br />returned to that Board. They will keep the City informed. This matter is <br />still in the consideration stages with the Planning and Zoning Board and <br />this information will be forwarded to them. <br />..Forms for State Grants for the installation of outdoor courts has been re- <br />ceived. This matter is the concern of the Park Board and Mr. Schneider <br />said he had also received a copy. <br />..The dues for membership in the League of Minnesota Cities for the year be- <br />ginning Septl, 1977 is $740.00. Mr. Schneider asked if there was money in <br />the budget for this and the Clerk said she wasn't sure, but will check. <br />..The Lexington Fire Department had adjusted the City's portion of the <br />operating costs for that department and the costs have been reduced by <br />$2207. -- for the year. <br />..The Anoka County Board of Commissioners had passed a Resolution authorizing <br />the Community Action Program to act as the entity for Anoka County to <br />administer the funds made availabel through the MHFA Home Improvement Grant <br />Program. <br />
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