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07/11/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/11/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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July 11, 1977 <br />The City Council was asked to support this action. Mr. McLean so moved. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Mrs. Agnes LaMotte had questioned the Rice Creek Watershed Board about the <br />maintenance of Anoka County Ditch #25. She had been informed that an order <br />has been issued for normal maintenance work, however, excavation machinery <br />is not to be used unless the Engineers are contacted bfore such work hegins. <br />..A letter from Milner W. Carley Associates suggesting the City inspect all <br />catch basin castings for gratings that could possibly cause injury to <br />bicyclist. The Clerk will inform Mr. Volk of this. <br />..Copies of Mrs. Anderson's letters to Mr. Burman and Mr. Torkildson in refer- <br />ence to West Shadow Lake Drive were presented. <br />..A partial estimate for the costs of installation of the sewer along LaMotte <br />Road by C.W. Houle had been presented by Mr. Gotwald in the amount of <br />$21,634.20. This had been approved by Mr. Gotwald. This was presented for <br />payment. Mr. Locher said the money would be available from the bank as soon <br />as the bonds are typed and signed and presented to the bank. He will get this <br />taken care of as soon as possible. Mr. Karth moved to approve this payment <br />as the next Council meeting. Seconded'by Mr. McLean. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />..Conformation of the construction of this sewer line had been received from <br />the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. <br />..The Anoka County Highway Department had sent a letter in reference to their <br />demands for street right -of -way for the Rice Lake Addition. The County asked <br />for a 75' half right -of -way along Elm Street. The Council felt this needs to <br />be justified since that street is only one mile plus in length and dead ends <br />at both ends of the street. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Paul <br />Rudd and ask for justification of the need for this width on Elm Street, with <br />a copy of the letter to be sent to Mr. Burman. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded <br />by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..The State of Minnesota had sent the figures on the levy limitations for the <br />coming year which amounts to $274,340.00. An increase if $115,357.00 from <br />the previous year. <br />..The offical systems statement from the Metropolitan has been received and <br />each Council member has a copy. The Council has sixty days in which to reply <br />to this. Mr. McLean said the Planning and Zoning Board will be considering <br />this at their:meeting scheduled for July 20th. <br />..A letter from the League of Minnesota Cities asking. for assistance from this <br />Council in the selection of a replacement for Me. Dean Lund who has resigned <br />as Executive Director of that orignazation. <br />.. Plans and specifications from the State Highway Department fo rthe land- <br />scaping of I35W from the Anoka County line to the intersection of 135E had <br />been received in the office. <br />Mayor Bohjanen presented Mr. Anthony Jones hwo lives on Nancy Drive. Mr. <br />Jones said he had installed a fence last year in anticipation of installing <br />a swimming pool this year. The State requirements for pool fences is 4 feet. <br />His fence is 5 feet in height but the Building Inspector has suggested that <br />he needs a six foot fence. However, Mr. Mobley had said if the Council approves <br />the five foot fence, then he would have no objections. <br />Mr. McLean checked the requirements for fences in Ordinance #56 and could not <br />fine a six foot requirement. Mr. MeLean moved to accept the five foot fence <br />on the nasis of Ordinance #56. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried <br />unanimously. The Council asked the Building Inspector to provide informa- <br />tion on the souree of the six foot requirement. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said he had had a call about the problem of cars turning <br />around in private driveways at the end of 79th Street. The person calling <br />was asking about the installation of a cul -de -sac at the end of that street. <br />
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