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08/18/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/18/1977 Council Minutes
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III Mayor Bohjanen said this special meeting was called to complete the final answer to the <br />systems statement. <br />August 18, 1 977 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. August <br />18, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present: Schneider, Zelinka, Karth, McLean. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. McLean moved that the following letter be submitted to the Metro Council as our required <br />response to the Metropolitan System Statement. Mr. Zelinka seconded the motion. Motion carr- <br />ied unanimously. <br />August 16, 1977 <br />Mr. John Boland, Chairman <br />Metropolitan Council <br />300 Metro Square Building, Seventh Street and RobEprt Street <br />Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 <br />Dear Mr. Boland, <br />The City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota, after extensive consideration, analysis and <br />discussion thereof by the members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, City Counciland <br />City professional advisors hereby acknowledges and accepts the Metropolitan Statement of the <br />Metropolitan Council, dated June 23, 1977 and received by the City on June 29, 1977, but here- <br />by submits the following objections thereto and therefore appeals from such statement as follow <br />1. The City specifically objects to page 1, part I, paragraph I, in that map C -2 p. 24 of said <br />System Statement is incorrect as to the proposed City Comprehensive Plan and should be a- <br />mended by replacement therof with the attached exhibit marked "EXHIBIT CITY - I." <br />2. In reference to page 2, paragraph 4 and 5, the City submits that on January 24, 1974 per <br />the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the City then approved by the Metropolitan Council, low <br />and moderate income housing then constituted approximately 25% of the Lino Lakes housing <br />mix. The City feels the System Statement should be amended to reflect the foregoing. <br />3. In reference to page 3, paragraph I and 2, in conjunction with the enforcement of State <br />of Minnesota Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Waste Disposal Codes, have allowed and <br />do allow for the construction of modest cost market rate housing as long as such construct- <br />ion does meet with the requirements thereof. A plan to identify theneed for rehabilitation <br />and redevelopment of substandard housing is not appropriate at this time. The System <br />Statement should be amended to reflect the foregoing. <br />4. As to page 6 relating to 1 35W, the City takes exception to the lack of inclusion of any <br />future improvements throught 1990 to 1 35W and the City submits that improvement will be <br />nexessitated in the form of an interchange at County Road #14 to facilitate the expected <br />heavey use of the 2500 acre Chain of Lakes Regional Park in the City, which improvement is <br />estimated to be needed within the next five (5) years to coincide with projected improve- <br />ment of the said Chain of Lakes Regional Park. The System Statement should be amended to <br />reflect this anticipated need. <br />5. In reference to paragraph I, of page 7 (continued frompage 6) the City asks for consider- <br />ation of commuter bus service to Minneapolis and St. Paul with collector parking facilities <br />provided at County Road #14 and 1 35E and State Highway #49 and 1 35W to encourage energy <br />conservation through promotion of the use of public transportation to the Chain of Lakes <br />Regional Park and to the area. <br />6. The City specifies that there is also an approved private airport facility in the plat of <br />Kolstad's Air Park in the Northwestern part of the City. Page 14, paragraph 2 of the <br />
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