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10/02/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/02/1969 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 12:59:41 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />it was necessary to have a known signature on the issue if we wanted to market <br />it. Springsted will also prepare press releases and we will send them out. <br />The date of November 10th was set to adopt a resolution calling for the sale of <br />bonds if the issue is successful at the polls. <br />Mr. Ricklefs and Mr. Strand stated that the section of the Congressional bill which <br />would tax municipal bonds had been shot down since there was so much opposition. <br />They mentioned that 2700 people had asked to testify against this; 60 people; <br />including Mr. 0smon Springsted, had been picked to do so. <br />The meeting ended at 9:22 p.m. <br />The September 29, 1969 minutes were approved at the meeting?of October 27, 1969. <br />Clerk - `Treasurer <br />A special informal meeting with Mr. Tom Van Housen of Progressive Design Associates <br />was held on October 2, 1969. All Council members except Mr. Rosengren were present <br />as were Mr. McLean, Mr. Karth and Mr. Stanley of the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />and Mr. Tresler of the Park Board. <br />Mr. Van Housen stated that he had pulled some data together and now must see what <br />direction the Village wished to take. He had taken aerial slides which clearly <br />showed the fine potential of the handsome chain of lakes. He also stated that the <br />Village Council would be damned if they do or don't plan for the future. <br />Mr. Van Housen said that he had talked with Mr. Gotwald and decided not to bother <br />with a 701 plan or to use a lot of words. <br />The slides were then viewed with Mr. Van Housen making comments on problems. He <br />mentioned the Metro Council park system, the 35E interchange on our south boundary <br />current problems on Reshanau Lake, (this was not to be considered bad), the sea- <br />plane base which was not detrimental. <br />Mr. Van Housen stated that at present single- family dwellings must be worth at <br />least $35,000 to pay the Village taxes; therefore multi- family units are desireable. <br />Also, that Metro Council wants open space to be available. <br />He mentioned that the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court was too crowded, that it was an <br />unfortunate thing. Trailer courts can be good if they are done properly. Some- <br />thing must be done about the shallow lakes. Unfortunately, the whole area has a <br />high water table and lousy subsoil. <br />Mr. Van Housen mentioned his discussion at the previous P&Z meeting. He passed out <br />his proposal for planning and zoning procedures. He stated that we should have no <br />blanket zoning; he favors multi-family units. Lino Lakes should plan so that they <br />will not be restrictive to the developer, but should offer him sane incentive. <br />There was discussion on the Uniform Building Code, which Mr. Van Housen feels is too <br />low in standards so that municipalities are always amending it. He stated No. 5 <br />on the proposal was necessary so that the Village has some assurance that the plans <br />have been adhered to. <br />5 <br />
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