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10/27/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/27/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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12 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on October 27, 1969, <br />was called to order at 8:07 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present save for <br />Mr. Rosengren who arrived about an hour later. <br />Corrections were made to the minutes of the September 29th and October 13, 1969 <br />meetings. The corrections were seconded. <br />The Clerk reported that Berghorst Plumbing and Heating had requested a license to <br />install sewage systems in Lino Lakes, particularly in connection with the Big Steer <br />Restaurant being constructed. Also, all the applications were in for the new owners <br />of the Oasis Lounge. These papers were givento Mr. Locherfor study. <br />A bid on the police car had been received from Coon Rapids Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. <br />The amount bid was $2829.00. Mr. Bohjanen moved that the decision on the bids be <br />tabled until the next meeting in order to let the police and Mr. Locher study the <br />bid offers. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The revised letter by Springsted, which is to be sent out to all registered voters <br />prior to the election, was read. Mr. Bohjanen asked whether any exact specification <br />had been received from the Engineer, whether there was something on costs to lay out. <br />It was noted that Mr. Gotwald had given costs on a footage basis. Mr. L'Allier <br />stated that we can't get the exact dollar amount without having the exact specifi- <br />cations before they are asked to pay for the building. Mr. Cardinal told him that the <br />cost would not exceed $100,000. Mr. Bohjanen suggested that the wording in the letter <br />be changed to include the words "not to exceed $100,00 ". Mr. Locher reiterated the <br />different costs which would be paid from the bond issue and stated that any excess <br />money not paid out immediately would not be dead money, but would be collecting <br />interest until used. Mr. Bohjanen moved that the wording in the letter be changed <br />on the letterhead to include "not to exceed ". Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />It was mentioned that an error on the size of the building had been printed in one <br />of the local papers and that persons had called about this. After discussion, it <br />was decided that the Council would sign this copy of the letter and that Springsted <br />would make the correction on it; there was not time to retype the whole thing and <br />get signatures. The Clerk was instructed to get copies of the letter and to have <br />Springsted come out to pick up the letter to be made up for mailing, as they are <br />being paid for this work. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had examined the papers for the Berghorst request and that <br />all was in order: the bond was okay and their insurance far exceeded Village re- <br />quirements; the Clerk stated that the license fee had been paid. Mr. Cardinal moved <br />that Lino Lakes grant a license to Berghorst Plumbing and Heating to do sewage system <br />work in the Village, on the recommendation of the Attorney, subject to Ordinance <br />Number 48. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />1 <br />The Clerk reported that the Assessor's calculator was out of order and that repairs <br />were estimated by Bill Munt Equipment Service to run from $30- $35.00. Mr. Bohjanen <br />stating that all necessary equipment must be kept in working condition, moved that <br />the calculator be repaired at the estimated price. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The Clerk also mentioned that Mrs. Sarner had expressed a wish for a better calcu- <br />lator, one that would be faster for her type of work. Mr. Munt had offered a <br />Bohn contex 55 Calculator, a demonstrator, for $300 instead of the asking price of <br />$349.50. This was considerably cheaper than a Friden and was easier to operate, <br />in the opinion of the Assessor. However, the Council wished to have another bid <br />submitted. <br />1 <br />
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