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12/08/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/08/1969 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:34:45 PM
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER, 1969 (CONTINUED) <br />1001 Phyllis A. Blaylock $ 37.60 <br />1002 Mary M. Crandall 37.01 <br />1003 Joyce K. Dufresne 37.60 <br />1004 Jean Krube 37.60 <br />1005 Agnes LaMotte 37.60 <br />1006 Agnes M. LeTendre 37.60 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on December 8, 1969, <br />was called to order at 8:13 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present except <br />Mr. Jaworski who arrived a few minutes later. <br />Corrections were made and seconded to the minutes of the November 24, 1969 meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that because the furnace had been out for three days that the <br />minutes had to be done on ditto and were not of as good quality as usual. <br />The Clerk presented an application for a Sunday on -sale liquor license from B.K.O. <br />Inc., dba Oasis Lounge, as well as new off -and on sale bonds from a new insurance <br />company for B.1.0., Inc. These were given to the Attorney to approve. <br />An application for a Sunday on sale liquor license was also presented for the <br />Circle -Lex VFW Post 6583, as well as a request for a bingo permit for December. <br />An application for on -sale liquor at the Chamonix Country Club was also presented. <br />This was to be brought up later when the Jandric petition was on the agenda. <br />A letter from Mr. Bruce Fleming asking that the licensing age of dogs be lowered <br />from six months to three months was read. Mr. Cardinal moved that Ordinance No. 36, <br />Sec. 1 amending Ord. No. 25, be amended to lower the licensing age of dogs from <br />six months to three months. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. Mr. Jaworski <br />did not vote as he had just been seated. <br />The Clerk read a letter, in answer to a letter written Nov. 24, from E. J. Lund - <br />heim, County Engineer, stating that the county has a policy of not providing or <br />participating in street lighting and that the Village would have to provide its <br />own lighting. <br />A letter from the State Department of Conservation regarding work in Reshanau Lake <br />was read. Copies are to be made for each of the Council members. <br />A copy of the new Metro Council Sewer Guide had been received along with a question - <br />aire on local sewer lines, plants and proposals. This was to be given to Mr. Gotwald. <br />The Fund balances were read from the sheets handed out to each Councilman. The <br />allotment from the County ($17,092.46) would be sent the following day. <br />The result of the Lake Amelia property petition check showed 136 separate signatures <br />1 illegible, 21 not registered, 12 questionable, leaving 102 valid signatures. Only <br />63 were necessary. <br />The Clerk reported that she had called Mr. VanHousen who will send a bill sometime <br />after the first of the year. He thought it was about 4i200. <br />The Clerk reported she had called Mrs. Harry Hughes who again promised to bring in <br />the survey and the variance fee. <br />
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