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12/08/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/08/1969 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:34:45 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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40 <br />A letter from the Anoka County League with pending legislation on a possible health <br />service was passed around. <br />Mr. Locher stated that the bonds and application for the Oasis were in order. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize the Sunday on sale liquor license for B.K.O.,Inc. <br />dba Oasis Lounge. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the bingo permit for December for Circle -Lex VFW <br />Post 6583. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to grant a Sunday liquor on -sale license for the Circle -Lex <br />VFW Post 6583 stipulating that the papers must first be in order. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk requested that more claim affidavits be printed. Mr. Bohjanen moved that <br />1000 copies of the claim affidavit be printed after revision of the p.o. address, <br />etc. was made. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />At 8:32 p.m. the meeting was turned over to Mr. Lyle Ricklefs of Springsted, Inc. <br />concerning the bids on the bonds for the new municipal building. Mr. Ricklefs <br />announced that they had received no bids on the issue. He stated that the market <br />had gone up again; since Minnesota has a limit of 7 on such bonds, many buyers <br />had gone to states where the limit is 8 %. He recommended waiting and holding off <br />asking for bids until after the first of the year, at least until there was an <br />improvement in the market. Springsted will advise and suggest a date to again <br />advertize the bids. The problems are the high rate of interest and the fact that <br />the dealers have a lot of bonds which have not been sold in the secondary market, <br />and which they are trying to get rid of. There is no immediate anticipation of <br />improvement. Mr. Bohjanen asked if there was a periodic change in the market. <br />Mr. Ricklefs stated that Springsted employs some 20 people, some of whom only watch <br />the market and advise when they feel a change is coming. A question from the audience <br />asked if the sale had anything to do with the size of the building; Mr. Ricklefs <br />assured him it did not and further discussion along the same lines insued. <br />Mr. Ricklefs stated that Sauk Rapids had wished to sell two separate issues --one <br />for $60000 had sold, but there had been no bid on the one for $800,000. There was <br />considerable discussion on how much the building would cost, lowering the amount <br />of the bond, bids, etc. Mr. Bohjanen mentioned that anyone with information could <br />go to the building committee meeting. <br />The Clerk mentioned that the letter from the State read at the last meeting requested <br />a resolution on the turnback of Old Highway 8 from Hwy. 326 to 1-35. The feeling <br />was that we actually had no choice in the matter; also that the County would get <br />additional funds to do the roadwork. .Mr. Bohjanen moved that Lino Lakes adopt a <br />resolution asking the State to turn back the portion of Old Highway 8 from 326 to <br />I -35W and designate the same as a State Aid Road. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />The Clerk stated that she had just received a lengthy letter from Mrs. Bohjanen <br />prior to the meeting; it was addressed to the Council and the Personnel Commission. <br />Mayor L'Allier thought that the letter should be read privately and taken up later <br />privately. Mrs. Bohjanen objected since a tape recorder had been used at the <br />Personnel Commission meeting. Mr. L'Allier stated that he had asked Mr. Scherer <br />to keep the tape private. Also, the Council had received from the Personnel Com- <br />mission a suggested procedure to take if an employee has a complaint against another <br />employee or a member of the Council. Mr. Jaworski stated that he didn't have the <br />minutes of the Personnel Commission with him, but gave the following general <br />procedure using as an example the roads department: an employee with a complaint <br />would go to the foreman of the roads dept.; if the complaint could not be resolved <br />there, it would go to Mr. Rosengren, the Councilman in charge of roads; if the <br />
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