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01/26/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/26/1970 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council. held on January 26, 1970 was <br />called to order at 8:06 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present except <br />Mr. Bohjanen who was ill. <br />The minutes of, the January 12 meeting were corrected and the motion was made to <br />accept the minutes as corrected by Mr. Jaworski, Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to grant cigarette licenses to the following: Baldwin Lake <br />Motel, White's Skelly, VFW Post 6583 and the Apple Inn. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported that Mr. Gilbert Menkveld had been ill and had requested to be at <br />the February meeting of the Planning & Zoning and the following Council meeting. He <br />had deposited $225 to cover any fees. <br />A letter regarding a hearing by the Polution Control Agency on the burning ban was <br />read as well as a letter from Circle Pines Utilities Commission regarding a raise in <br />the rates of natural gas. The Clerk was asked to call Mr. Wm. Blaylock and invite <br />him to attend a meeting on this the following evening. <br />A copy of a letter from the State Hwy. Dept. to Lexington Village was read stating <br />that two signs reading "Lexington, Circle Pines Next Right" will be erected near the <br />95th St. exit and the Lexington exit of 135W. It was noted that an error had been <br />made in reading the amount of property damage liability on the Berghorst Plumbing <br />policy: the correct amount is $1,000,000.00. Therefore, no letter was written. <br />The Clerk reported that deeds from Hubert Hammer and Cecil LaMotte had been received. <br />Also, affidavits of publication for the bond sale had been received from Commercial <br />West. <br />The Clerk reported that $100 in municipal court fines had been received. Copies of <br />snowmobile ordinances from Anoka and Coon Rapids had been passed to all Council members. <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that he had had no calls on snowmobiles and credited this to the <br />self-policing by the various clubs. He felt there was no need for a snowmobile <br />ordinance at this time. <br />Mr. L'Allier read the Civil Defense report prepared by Mr. Cape who was absent. The <br />Civil Defense thanked the Mayor, Council, and the Clerk for the fine cooperation <br />during the past year. Mr. L'Allier added his thanks to the Civil Defense and the <br />Auxiliary for their fine achievements and active group. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that Naegele Outdoor Advertizing had requested 5 sign permits <br />along 35W. After some discussion with Mr. Dick Mullvain of the company, Mr. Cardinal <br />moved to grant the 5 permits with the stipulation that Naegele either work out a <br />trade with the Village for the location for Sign No. 14 or else adjust the location <br />further to the southwest of the planned Village informational sign. The signs <br />granted were permits No. 10 to 14 inclusive. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Robert Burman was scheduled for 8:30 on the agenda. He brought with him <br />Mr. Bernard Steffen, County Administrator and Mr. Jake Lundheim, County Engineer. <br />Mr. Steffen began a report on three matters: 1) solid waste disposal; 2) the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District and 3) policing. <br />¥r. Steffen reported that the County was authorized by law to enter into the solid <br />waste disposal business. The County had done research on this and had held a meeting <br />with local landfill people in the County. They will try to fit the County plans in <br />
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