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02/23/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:41:30 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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8 <br />be required since there was less than 150' of frontage and less than 2 1/2 acres in <br />area. Mr. Cardinal moved to grant a variance to Mr. Clyde Rehbein to split the lot <br />described as follows: <br />That part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 31, <br />Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point <br />where the center line of United State Highway No. 8 intersects the centerline <br />of Carlton Road, so called, which road runs along the North boundary line of the <br />said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8; thence East along the <br />centerline of said Carlton Road, so called, a distance of 143 feet to a point <br />on said centerline of the Carlton Road, so called; thence South at right angles <br />to said centerline a distance of 400 feet to the actual point of beginning of <br />the tract of land to be hereby described; thence West and parallel with the <br />centerline of Carlton Road, so called, a distance of 384.67 feet to its inter- <br />section with the centerline of United States Highway No. 8 as now laid out and <br />traveled; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said United States Highway <br />No. 8 as now laid out and traveled a distance of 180 feet; thence East and parallel <br />with the centerline of Carlton Road, so called, a distance of 384.67 feet; thence <br />Northeasterly and parallel with the centerline of United States Highway No. 8 <br />as now laid out and traveled a distance of 180 feet to the actual point of beginn- <br />ing, except the Northwesterly 40 feet thereof as measured at right angles to the <br />centerline of said United States Highway No. 8 <br />providing that the fee be paid before issuance. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal noted that an article in the paper stated that we were 45 days late in <br />paying our fee on the Centerville fire contract. Mr. L'Allier stated that we had <br />not received the signed contract back from Centerville and had heard no report on <br />it. The Clerk will call to check. <br />The Council then took up the matter of the request by W. Gilbert Menkveld to set <br />hearings on rezoning and special use permits for trailer parks on 3 separate parcels. <br />W. Joseph Summers, Attorney for W. Menkveld, gave some description of the 3 parcels <br />and the petition with signatures in favor of a trailer park on the parcel by the <br />Youth Center. Maps with the parcels outlined heavily were passed out to all at the <br />table. Mr. Summers felt they were entitled to rezoning and special use permit hearings <br />on the parcel straddling Hwy. 8. W. Cardinal noted that the Planning & Zoning had <br />recommended that all three parcels be denied hearings for the reasons of lack of <br />sewers and the overtaxing of the school systems with the influx of many children. <br />W. Bohjanen asked Mr. Menkveld if he would consider holding hearings for only one <br />parcel or only for all three. W. Menkveld answered that he considered each parcel <br />individually. Mr. Bohjanen then asked W. Menkveld if he had considered any other <br />type of enterprise for these areas. W. Summers stated that the only potential use <br />on the parcel by the Youth Center would be for a mobile home park. Mr. Jaworski <br />asked if he didn't feel that by placing the court so close to the Youth Center he <br />wasn't subjecting the residents to thefts and harassment from the escapees, especially <br />car thefts. W. Summers felt this was up to the tenants and he didn't feel it was <br />any big deterrent. Mr. Cardinal noted that the State didn't feel that this area was <br />good for a mobile home court either. Mr. Summers countered that the State could buy <br />tie land then. <br />Mr. Locher stated that the legal description on parcel 2 didn't metch the drawing. <br />Mr. Menkveld stated that this was his error; that the Hillsdale legal should have <br />been included. Mr. Summers stated that the legal should be amended to conform. <br />Mr. Locher also noted that the legal for parcel 1 was inadequate; that some parcels <br />not to be included were not mentioned. He would need definition on a 3 -acre parcel <br />with a life deed. W. Bill Meyer of Suburban Engineering stated that the density <br />of the trailer court would be less than 5 trailers per acre and that they would make <br />a first -class court. <br />
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