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02/23/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:41:30 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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84 <br />The State cigarette apportionment in the amount of $2,730.64 and the liquor apportion- <br />ment in the amount of $2,637.55 had been received on February 16th. A copy of a <br />letter formally petitioning the Metropolitan Council for sanitary sewer in U.S. <br />Lakes Addition was passed around. <br />A letter from Duane Klepel was read giving his intentions to comply with all Village <br />Ordinances regarding his future sale of lots from his 2 1/2 acre parcel on Lake Drive. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to purchase 2 copies of the DIRECTORY OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL OFFI-. <br />CIALS from the League of Minnesota Munie'ipalities at $4.00 per copy. Seconded by <br />Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk passed around literature on a forthcoming. conference for municipal clerks and <br />finance officers to be held March 12 and 13. No action was taken. <br />Mayor Munson of Lexington was presented. He gave some details on the new fire contract <br />and the reasons for the raise in fee from $2,000 /yr. to $3.360/yr. He stated that <br />they had received very good cooperation from the Lino Lakes police in helping with <br />the fires. Mr. Munson stated that 40% of the fire calls which their department re- <br />ceived were in Lino Lakes. The new map defining the boundary line between areas <br />covered by the two departments was discussed as well as other provisions. Mr. Bohjanen <br />wished to know whether the fee could be paid in two payments and was told yes; he <br />also wished to know the size of the force and was told that the capacity of the <br />department was 36 members including 33 firefighters, and 3 of higher rank. After <br />further discussion, Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the one - year (1970) Lexington Fire <br />Contract. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. One copy of the signed <br />contract will be returned to Lexington. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that Mr. Cecil LaMotte had placed a new proposal for additional <br />platting before the Planning & Zoning on February 18th and had been advised to bring <br />his plans to the next P&Z meeting. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that the Planning & Zoning had considered the proposed planning <br />and zoning procedures suggested by Mr. Van Houses and had recommended that Sections <br />1 and 2 be adopted as an amendment to Ordinance 21. These two sections were read <br />by the Clerk. After discussion, Mr. Cardinal moved that Sections 1 and 2 of the <br />planning and zoning procedures be adopted as Ordinance 21C in order to handle other <br />than single and duplex residences but not to supercede stricter sections of existing <br />Ordinance 21. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. A copy of the pro- <br />cedures will be sent to Mr. Locher in order to draw up the ordinance. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the Planning & Zoning will consider the new Minnesota <br />Plumbing Code at their next meeting; they are inviting Mr. Winfield West, Plumbing <br />Inspector, to comment on any changes at that time. <br />Mr. Cardinal also reported that Mr. James Bratland of Brede, Inc. had been asked to <br />supply more information in regard to his request for sign permits and would have this <br />for the next Planning & Zoning meeting. <br />Mr. Clyde Rehbein had asked the Planning & Zoning to approve a variance to split a <br />180' lot into two 90' lots for the purpose of building a duplex on each lot. Mr. <br />Locher checked his survey map. The P&Z had recommended granting the variance; <br />Mr. Cardinal noted that the $25.00 fee had not yet been received. Mr. Locher <br />noted that each parcel would contain some 30,000 square feet; that the parcels were <br />in a commercial district which allows 2 -4 family dwellings; but a variance would <br />
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