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03/09/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/09/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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92 <br />Mr. Rosengren had nothing to report on roads. However, the building committee members <br />had gone to Cokato to view the Mattson Stran -steel headquarters. The Committee had <br />met Thursday evening with Mr. Gotwald; they thought that they would be ready with <br />the plans in 30 days.. Mr.,Gotwald stated that Glenn Rehbein had drawn up the <br />general specifications and that the committee could put in extras. Mr. Gotwald <br />estimated the cost of having, specs drawn up from scratch would amount to 50% of <br />the building's cost; but having a contractor go from ours would probably not <br />exceed $500.00. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if it would be possible to incorporate a built -in trophy case; <br />Mr. Rosengren thought this could go in the back wall of the Council chamber. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt that this as well as items such as carpeting should not be <br />included in the contractor's specifications since the Village can get prices for <br />this later. Mr. Rosengren stated that they felt that the Village should let bids <br />on the sewer and water also instead of paying the contractor for subletting the <br />work. <br />W. Jaworski moved to authorize Mr. Gotwald and the Building Committee to work <br />with the plans and authorize up to $500 to have the bidding specifications drawn up <br />by a contractor. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal mentioned that a Mattson building was being erected on the Willard <br />Rehbein place. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that he and Mr. Dreis of Northern States Power had gone over <br />the sites for street light locations and had prepared a list in the NSP serviced <br />area. The cost of a 11,000 lumens lamp rated at 250 watts was $55.20 per year; the <br />cost of a 7,000 lumens lamp rated at 175 watts was $45.00 per year. He felt that it <br />was worth the extra cost to have the larger lamp. <br />The locations selected are as follows: (1) Lilac Street and Lake Drive, (2) Change <br />the security light at the Hall to a street lamp, (2) Sunset Drive and Elm Street <br />in front of 7156 Sunset, (4).Sunrise Avenue and North Road, (5) Ware Road and Birch <br />Street, (6) Seventh Avenue and Birch Street, (7) Linda Street and Hodgson Road, (8) <br />Oak Lane and Lake Drive and (9) 79th Street and Lake Drive. <br />The total cost for these eight new lights and the change at the Hall would be about <br />$475.00 per year for the large lamps. There was discussion on future additions <br />to the lighting system as well as locations; also on checking with REA in the future. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize installing the large size street lamps at the 8 <br />locations. mentioned above as well as the change to a street lamp at the Village Hall, <br />at an approximate cost of $475.00 per year. Seconded by W. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. Mr. Rosengren Felt that a separate fund for street lights should be <br />set aside for next year. <br />The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Dreis of NSP and inform him to go ahead <br />with the installation. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize Mr. Rosengren to meet with representatives of REA <br />on possible street light locations in their service area of Lino Lakes and to <br />report the recommendations later. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that they had not yet decided on just which type of truck <br />they wished to purchase. There was some discussion on diesel versus gasoline, <br />single versus tandem axle and the make. <br />
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