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05/11/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:44:19 PM
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Council Minutes
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9 <br />in some dirt and the Village do the shaping and add gravel. Mr. L'Allier asked <br />whether we would seal -coat 64th; Mr. Gotwald replied that it would be done later <br />this summer. Also, they will try to correct the drainage in front of Flannagan's <br />by deepening the ditch about 1 to 1 1/2' and installing a 15" culvert. Mr. Gotwald <br />noted that Mr. Flannagan would like to have the whole road lowered but this would <br />cost about $300 and he doubted that the Village cared to spend the money. However, <br />if the Village goes through with the Engineer's suggestion, Mr. Flannagan could grade <br />his front yard to drain into the ditch. <br />Mr. Pete Scherer stated that at one time the Village had asked the Contractor (Lind- <br />berg) to correct the road or else pay for the dorrection. There was some discussion <br />on this. Mr. Locher noted that the contractor was no longer doing business in <br />Minnesota, but that the original bond on that construction could be attached; how- <br />ever, a bond held on another project could not be attached for this purpose. Mr. <br />Gotwald explained the State's procedure on designating haul roads. During further <br />discussion, Mr. Gotwald estimated the cost of shaping 64th and putting on some gravel <br />at about $300 to $350. Mr. Rosengren moved to authorize the above work on 64th Street <br />as suggested by the Engineer and to have the Clerk check the minutes to see what pro- <br />cedure for dealing with the contractor had been set up; also the Road Dept. was to <br />keep track of the time and cost of the work so that the contractor could be billed for <br />same later. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren inquired whether the road into the Hansen property on Otter Lake was a <br />Village road or had been accepted for partial maintenance. Mr. Gotwald stated that <br />the road had been accepted for partial maintenance with snowplowing. Mr. Rosengren <br />stated that it needs gravel in spots. Mr. Gotwald noted that it should be brought up <br />to condition in a future project. After discussion, Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize <br />the hauling of the necessary gravel for Hansen's road in keeping with the partial <br />maintenance agreement. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned that a delegation of Peltier Drive residents were present; <br />that at one time we had talked about changing the roadway by running it over the hill; <br />thus straightening it out and taking it away from the lakeshore. Mr. Gotwald noted <br />that the St. Paul Water Dept. will take down the old pumphouse on Centerville Lake <br />this summer and will haul the rubble to Peltier Drive for fill. Mr. L'Allier stated <br />that we had held back on the realignment because one land owner would not contribute <br />the easement. Mr. Brisson spoke for the delegation, stating that the road was in <br />real bad shape, had no gravel, and that several vehicles had gone over the edge in <br />the narrow spot. Also, if the present road were widened to 66' it would be up <br />against the Wilhelmy house. After discussion, it was suggested that Mr. Rosengren and <br />Mr. Backlin would pay a visit to the Thies and Houle families to see if something <br />could be worked out. <br />Mr. Locher explained the procedure for the construction of the road, both on a general <br />revenue basis or on special assessments paid by the benefitted owners. Mr. L'Allier <br />moved that Mr. Gotwald be authorized to work up a cost estimate on the relocation of <br />Peltier Drive; that Mr. Rosengren and Mr. Backlin be authorized to contact the property <br />owners on Peltier Drive to secure the easements necessary; that the Engineer and Mr. <br />Rosengren report back at the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. Mr. Gotwald will also contact the Water Dept. <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned that the streets in Twilight Acres need repair and asked <br />what was to be done. Mr. Locher stated that the streets were platted; he recalled <br />that an agreement had been made that after a certain percentage of the lots were <br />built up, the streets would be built up and assessed to the landowners. Mr. Gotwald <br />felt that under partial maintenance we would blade and oil the streets; it would cost <br />
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