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05/11/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1970 Council Minutes
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120 <br />$700 ro $800 for the 2600' of road. However if they wished to have bituminous surface <br />with curb, a petition for the improvements would be in order or the Council could <br />initiate the hearing, or could call for a hearing to see if the property owners were <br />interested in such construction. Mr. Rosengren felt it would be simple to sealcoat <br />the streets and the job would last for a topple years; Mr. Gotwald noted that road <br />mix would cost closer to $3,000. Mr. Rosengren will contact the owner to see what <br />percentage is built up by the next meeting. <br />Mr. Rosengren also noted that he had located a double power broom for the new tractor <br />at a cost of $800; however he hasn't seen it, but will check. <br />The hearing for rezoning and a special use permit for a mobile home park for Gilbert <br />Menkveld was called to order at 8:40 p.m. The affidavits of publication, posting <br />and mailing of the notices were checked and read by Attorney Locher, who declared <br />them to all be in order. Mr. Joe Summers, Attorney for Menkveld, presented the <br />request. He reiterated items presented to the Planning & Zoning Board, mentioning <br />that the original proposal had contained 571 lots not in the usual arrangement, but <br />utilizing modules of 8 or 12 units on a cul -de -sac (private street). In order to <br />accomplish this proposal, stating that in view of the problems brought out at the <br />P&Z hearing, they would now be happy to accept rezoning of the whole parcel to <br />commercial (the parcel would probably be rezoned in the future anyway since it abuts <br />the freeway), but they now requested a conditional use permit for only 100 trailer <br />lots on a portion of the parcel designated as Phase 1. This would take care of the <br />sewage problem since the 100 units could be served by an underground Imhoff Tank on <br />a temporary basis. If this were granted, then they would return for another condi- <br />tional use permit for each expansion of the park. <br />Mr. Summers then noted the variances to our present ordinance which their proposal <br />wouldn't meet: <br />1. The lot dimensions would not meet 10' x 60' size or the 6000 sq. ft. require- <br />ment, but would range from 4900 sq. ft. to 5300 sq. ft. at a density of 4.8 <br />units per acre, considerably lower than our maximum of 7 units per acre. A <br />lot of the land is devoted to cul -de -sac area and more green space. <br />2. They also wish a variance from the 10 degree angle requirement. <br />3. They can meet the 20' setback requirement on the main collector streets but wish <br />a variance to have the units set back 10' off the cul -de -sac. <br />4. They also wish permission to have the units 12' apart or 6' from the interior <br />lot lines. <br />5. They would like to have 24' instead of 30' interior streets to give more green <br />space. <br />6. Whereas our ordinance requires that 2% of the land be set aside for recrea- <br />tional use, they have given 15% on the entire tract and considerably more on <br />Phase 1 alone. <br />7. Whereas our ordinance requires sidewalks on all the streets, this would not <br />serve their plan. They suggest internal green walkways, which they would be <br />glad to concrete, to better accomodate internal pedestrian circulation where <br />people would be more likely to walk. This also draws attention away from the <br />street. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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