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05/14/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/14/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:44:25 PM
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Council Minutes
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Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize the Attorney to draw up the legal notices and to <br />make publication for the letting of the bids as soon as Mr.,Gotwald is finished <br />with the revised bidding specifications. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. - <br />It was decided that a special meeting would be called in Jane to look over samples <br />of panelling, etc. from the bidders before the contract is awarded. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize the Engineer, in conjunction with the Clerk, to <br />open the bids after the 21 days of published notice, in order that he might report <br />on them at the June 22nd meeting. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 9:47 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of May 25, 1970��j GG`/ <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on May 25, 1970, was <br />called to order at 8:04 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the minutes of the May llth meeting as so corrected. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented the following license applications: <br />1) B.K.O., Inc. a. On sale liquor, b. Sunday on -sale liquor, <br />III <br />c. off -sale liquor, d. dance, and e. 3.2 beer off -sale <br />2) Nathe Brothers, Inc. a. On -sale liquor, b. Sunday on -sale liquor, c. dance <br />d. 3.2 beer off -sale <br />3) Circle -Lex VFW a. Club on -sale liquor, b. Sunday -on -sale liquor <br />4) Henry Rosengren a. On -sale liquor <br />5) Chomonix Country Club a. On -sale liquor <br />6) Mrs. Ruth Cegla a. Off -sale liquor <br />7) Stanley Thayer a. On -sale liquor, b. Sunday on -sale liquor and <br />c. dance. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize the granting of these licenses as set forth by the <br />Clerk with the exception of those applications from Stanley Thayer, with the <br />stipulation that Mrs. Ruth Cegla must submit a duplicate bond for her off -sale <br />liquor application as well as a certification of liquor liability insurance; also <br />with the stipulation that any discrepancies noted by the Attorney on any of these <br />applications be corrected. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously <br />with Mr. Rosengren abstaining since his application was included. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to hold action on the applications by Mr. Stanley Thayer pending <br />a police investigation with a police report to be made to the Clerk and the Council; <br />if this report is favorable, the licenses can be authorized at the next meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />
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