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05/25/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/25/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:45:06 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />The Clerk presented the following names for election judges to serve at the <br />Hospital Bond election to be held on June 30th: DFL -- Agnes LaMotte, Joyce <br />Dufresne, Kay Olson, Agnes LeTendre and Signe Miller; GOP -- Imogene Secretan, <br />Madlyn Crandall, Jean Krube, Phyllis Blaylock, Dee Winter and Lynn Hansen. The <br />Clerk noted, however, that Imogene Secretan would be inelligible since she is a <br />paid employee of the Village; thereupon her name was striken. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to select as election judges for the June 30th Hospital Bond <br />election the top 4 names from each list with the remaining names to serve as <br />alternates. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to grant a 3.2 beer license to the Civil Defense for their <br />auction to be held at Sunrise Park on June 14, starting at 12 o'clock noon until <br />all items are sold. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk read the notice of the Annual Meeting of the Anoka County Association of <br />Municipalities to be held at Spring Lake Park on May 27th with election of 1970 -71 <br />officers to be held. Reports from several committees will be heard. <br />A letter written by Mrs. David Fritz, Secretary of the Lino Lakes Parents Club, <br />was read concerning their desire to have speed limit and school warning signs <br />posted on Main Street in the school area. Mr. L'Allier voiced his concern of the <br />Council which has been trying for two years to have such signs put in that area. <br />He read the dates that the matter had been brought up at Council meetings as well <br />as the dates of letters written to Anoka County officials on the subject. Mayor <br />L'Allier pointed out that Lino Lakes has no control over signing the road since it <br />is County State Aid Highway, and recommendations must be made from the County to <br />the State to have a speed limit set. <br />Mayor L'Allier also pointed out that Officer Myhre had been to Anoka today to talk <br />with the County Engineer and Commissioner Burman; that he had done much searching <br />of the records to see if there were some mandatory laws concerning speed limits in <br />a school zone, etc. Mr. Myhre stated that Commissioner Burman would be at our <br />next Council meeting to report. Mr. L'Allier noted that Mr. Myhre had done much <br />work on his own concerning the matter previous to the tragedy; he wished that they <br />had heeded us prior to this time. <br />Mr. Bohjanen felt that the requested marking should be done immediately, but mentioned <br />that signs are hard to come by as the State is slow in this. He mentioned that we <br />have really tried to get this area speed zoned as well as other areas in the <br />Village, but still have no indication when it will be done. <br />There was some discussion from the audience (many concerned residents of the <br />affected area were in attendance). Mr. L'Allier stated that State Statute 169 <br />requires a 30 m.p.h. zone in an urban area and defines an urban area as any 1/4 <br />miles filled with homes less than or 100 feet apart. It was noted that this area <br />had not been checked for that requirement. <br />Mayor L'Allier read from the letters written to the County as well as answers <br />promising work and stating the County's policies on priorities. After discussion, <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that letters be written to Senator Greig, Representative <br />Plaisance, County Administrator Steffen, County Engineer Lundheim, County Attorney <br />Johnson, Commissioner Burman, and the State Highway Department as well as the <br />State Attorney General's office referring to the hazardous conditions which still <br />exist in the Lino Lakes Elementary School area on Main Street, listing the dates <br />of correspondence with the County on the matter of speed zoning, asking them to <br />
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