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Commincing at the northeast corner of Government Lot #3, Section 14, Town- <br />ship 31, Range 22 in the center of a public highway, thence vest on the <br />north line of said Government Lot #3 a distance of 269.2 feet to a point; <br />thence north 23° 29' East a distance of 69 feet to a point hick is the <br />point of beginning of the tract of land here to be described; thence <br />North 74° 52' west a distance of 367.5 feet to the easterly line of the <br />tract of land heretofore conveyed to the City of St. Paul; thence North <br />23° 29' East along the Easterly line of said tract of land heretofore <br />conveyed to the City of St. Paul, a distance of 173.35 feet to a point; <br />thence South 58° 30' East a distance of 366.7 feet to a point on a line <br />projected from the point of beginning of this description; thence South <br />23 29' Test a distance of 69 feet to the point of beginning, containing <br />in all one acre of land, more or less; being a part of what is now known <br />as Lot Three (3) Auditor's Subdivision Number 47, revised, according to the <br />duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the <br />Register of Deeds in and for Anoka County, Minnesota. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Rosengren. The vote was unanimously in favor. <br />Mr. Bohjanen pointed out that granting this permit might cause a rash of such <br />requests in the future. <br />Mr. Cardinal mentioned that the P&Z had recommended approving sign request #26 by <br />Naegele Outdoor Advertizing to place a sign in the Northeast quadrant of the <br />intersection of Hwy. 49 and I -35W. Mr. Locher pointed out the location on the <br />sign map. Mr. Cardinal moved to accept sign application No. 26 for Naegele <br />Outdoor Advertizing as requested. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />There was discussion on the location of the two information signs donated by <br />Meyer Sign Service. Mr. Rosengren suggested that the one sign in place on the <br />Faymoville property near the exit sign on I -35W be moved to 4th Avenue which is <br />now a dead end and is public property. Mr. Locher stated that it was his opinion <br />that the Village could pay for the lease for the sign on its present location. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved to have the first information sign moved from its Present, <br />location to Fourth Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that the suggested location for the second sign as on an <br />old heyroad which had been dedicated and maintained for many years, but which had <br />been cut off by the free ay. After discussion, Mr. Bohjanen moved to inform <br />Meyer Sign Service that the second information sign should be located on the <br />public property in Section 10 as soon as the exact legal description is obtained. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The hearing set on the preliminary plat of LaMotte's Third Addition was called to <br />order at 9:07 p.m. Mr. Locher read the notices and the legal description of the <br />plat, noting that the affidavit of publication had not yet been received; however, <br />all was in order. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that Mr. Segal of the St. Paul Waterworks Dept. had attended <br />the hearing at the Planning & Zoning meeting and had stated that there was a <br />discrepancy in boundaries between their property and that of the LaMotte plat. <br />Mr. Cardinal didn't feel that it was up to the Council to resolve the dispute, <br />but that this was a matter to be taken up by the respective surveyors. Mr. <br />LaMotte stated that he felt there was no problem as the boundaries were stated <br />on his deed. Mr. Cardinal felt that the Council should accept the preliminary <br />plat subject to the resolving of the differences between the Water Dept. and <br />Mr. LaMotte before final approval of the plat. <br />