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06/08/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/08/1970 Council Minutes
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Bohjanen moved that fir's. Winter's name be withdrawn from the list of election <br />judges and that the next name on the original list (that of Mrs. Lynn Hansen) <br />be appointed as election judge in her place. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk read a letter just received from Gerald Houle Sewer and Trenching <br />of 70 Tart Road, White Bear Lake, who stated that he had done sewer installa- <br />tion work by the hour for Clyde Rehbein and felt that Mr. Rehbein rather than <br />himself was responsible for obtaining the license mad permits. Mr. Locher <br />read Seotion 3 of Ordinance No. 48 and stated that he felt that since Mr. Houle <br />was a subcontractor he was liable for the license and permits. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved that a letter be sent to W. Gerald Houle, along with a copy of Ord. <br />No. 48 explaining that as a subcontractor he was responsible for obtaining <br />proper license and permits. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mayor L'Allier requested the Clerk to read various correspondence received in <br />regard to letters sent concerning the speed signing, etc., on Main Street near <br />the Lino Elementary School. (The wording of the letter from the Village was <br />read). Two petitions, one with the wording by Attorney Locher containing 84 <br />names and•one with similar wording, plus a note that speed zoning is necessary <br />by the St. Joseph's School containing 30 names of Parent's Club Members, were <br />read. Portions of letters from Anoka County Administrator, Anoka County Attorney <br />and Anoka County Engineer, were read, each of them mentioning that a State order <br />for setting a speed zone of 40 m.p.h. in the affected area had been given on <br />October 26, 1969. Tne letter from the County Attorney listed the various speed <br />zoning areas given for the length of Hwy. 14 from Hwy. 65 to the East County Line <br />and included the list of priorities on- roadwork adopted in 1968. The lint showed <br />the work on Main•Street to be No. 21 out of 26 jobs. The speed signs as well as <br />a sign stating 'Prepare to Stop' were promised immediately. Letters from the <br />State Highway-Dept. and the Attorney General's office indicated that the order for <br />speed zoning had been issued and that it was up to the County to get the work <br />done; the State has no power to force the County to do such work, however. A <br />letter from the Drifter's Snowmobile Club offering assistance was also read. <br />The Clerk stated that she had received a call from Commissioner, Bob Burman who <br />would be late. Mr. Burman mentioned that a new mat on Hwy. 14 had been started <br />at Hwy. 65; when it is finished, after a 10 day seasoning period, the new <br />pedestrian crossing marks, double yellow lines and "No Passing" signs will be <br />installed. W. Burman offered, if it was wanted, to furnish at his own expense <br />"Slow, Children' signs and to put them up if he were given permission to do so. <br />W. Bohjanen moved to accept W. Burman's offer and to ask him, to do so. Mr. <br />Bohjanen moved to accept W. Burman's offer and to ask him to put them up as <br />soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Jaworeki. Carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Leckie stated that the people appreciated all that had been done, but felt <br />that they needed immediate action; also Lino Lakes must enforce the speed limits. <br />W. L'Allier seated that without the sign, we can't enforce the law. At the <br />last police meeting the matter was discussed and the police are working out <br />schedules so that the area can be covered more often. Also the Clerk had <br />contacted the Superintendents of both school districts on the matter of hiring <br />elderly people to police the street crossings. Centennial Schools are willing. <br />Our Attorney has stated that we can expend Village monies for this purpose. We <br />will do something on this by this fall. <br />The matter of County policing for the area had been mentioned to the delegation <br />which bad attended the County Board of Commissioners meeting;•the audience <br />wished to know why we had turned down the offer. Mayor L'Allier explained just <br />what the County offer had amounted to; namely, that the County would have put <br />
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