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06/08/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/08/1970 Council Minutes
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138 <br />on one more car to cover this area plus several other widely- scattered munic- <br />ipalitiea,oeach of which now has its own police force. Lino Lakes had considered <br />the County offer as well as the possibility of Lino Lakes, Lexington, and <br />Centerville going together on a joint force. The economics of the proposals <br />have also been studied. We are trying to get the most policing for the least <br />cost. The Mayor also mentioned that our own force has spent a lot of time in <br />assisting the County on several matters. <br />Mayor L'Allier acknowledged the presence of, Senator Tan Greig and Rep. Vernon <br />Plaisance. <br />Rep. Plaisance mentioned that the County was thinking of asking the State to <br />lower the speed limit once more down to 30 m.p.h.; actually this amounts to <br />asking the County to request the State to make a study of the area. Mr. Plaisance <br />made mention of the roadwork that has started on Hwy 14 and felt that we should <br />wait and see whet. the County will accomplish. He stated that as far as getting <br />light and flashers the area would have to meet State criteria to get State aid. <br />Otherwise, the County would do the installation free if the Village paid the cost <br />of the lights. There was some discussion with the audience. W. L'Allier noted <br />that we do have radar and it will be used; Lino Lakes wants the speed limits <br />enforced and will do so. He felt that the County should also police a County road. <br />Mr. Plaisance mentioned that concerning. the Youth Center, he had received the <br />past week a copy of a proposal for a new facility for hard -core juveniles. The <br />study for the proposal had cost seine $50,000; the maximum security facility would <br />cost one -half million to build. W. Plaisance asked whether we wanted this <br />facility in our area; if we don't he will . work against it. Although such a <br />facility would provide local jobs, it would bring many more delinquents into <br />the area. <br />Mayor L'Allier mentioned that W. Plaisance had been helpful when the first <br />Youth Center Committee had made their study and proposals. At that time they <br />had recommended a maximum security facility, but not to be located in Lino <br />Lakes. Mr. L'Allier noted that the Committee would be reactivated in 30 days <br />and would visit, the Center and its new administrator who seems to have good ideas. <br />Senator Tom Greig stated that he didn't want to get involved in the problems <br />of the Youth Center, but he did want to state that it is not what it was intended <br />to be. He wants no enlarging of the facility unless it is a maximum security <br />development. He is disappointed in the Youth Center . -inietretion and in the <br />tact they're taking; he is against anymore expenditure on the Youth Center. <br />As for Main Street, Sen. Greiustated that he had net with the County Engineer <br />and the State Highway Department. These persons had stated that the limit would <br />be 45 mph in the area if it weren't for the school. He suggested that "Reduce <br />Speed -- School Ahead" signs should be put up about one mile on each side of the <br />school. W. Greig stated that he honestly felt that we can't get a 30 mph <br />zoning after talking with these people, since the departments feel that no <br />matter what the limit is set at, if another fatility should occur, there will <br />be another request to lower the speed. There was discussion on the criteria <br />.required to get State Aid funds for flashing lights. On Mr. Greig's suggestion, <br />it was decided to write to the State to request the 30 mph zoning and to find <br />out what the criteria are. Sen. Greig also mentioned the sigma to designate <br />Circle Pines and Lexington on the freeway exit; perhaps it should be labelled <br />"Circle'Lex ". Also, a study has been requested for the stretch on Lovell which <br />will carry 8 ton trucks off the freeway to Lexington Avenue in Circle Pines; <br />these will pass Lovell School. <br />Sen. Greig wished to have it made part of the minutes that he appeared and <br />asked for a study of Main Street to set a 30 mph zone in Lino Lakes after <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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