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07/06/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/06/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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152 <br />There was discussion on refunding the bid deposits. 1r. Bohjanen moved to refund the <br />$25.00 deposit to all the firms which had taken bidding specs, except, that as noted <br />in the advertisement, the deposit of the two lowest bidders would be held for 30 <br />days. Seconded by**. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that the two lowest bidders were Krueger and Mattson; therefore <br />these would be the only two to consider. Krueger had the lowest lump sum bid on a <br />Butler building, but he had only submitted a bid proposal and no specs. There were <br />several deductions which Mr. Gotwald felt were not legitimate since all the items <br />were included in the specs. These included the use of 26 gauge metal rather than 24 <br />gauge. Mr. Krueger had not mentioned the exact type of slab and footings, and had <br />not included sidewalks. There was discussion. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the use of the 24 gauge metal with Glenn Rehbein as well as <br />the roof load requirement of. 401# /sq. in. He also noted that the Mattson bid had <br />a more desirable completion time. Mr. Gotwald mentioned that none of the bidders <br />had brought a 20 year guarantee, but that Mattson had a 5 year guarantee. He <br />stressed that the building must be absolutely leakproof. <br />Mr. Gotwald especially noted, the following items from the.Mattson bid: the panelling <br />would be backed with sheetrock; a 1" layer of Styrofoam insulation between the floor <br />and the outside wall; vinyl interior moldings, Kohler fixtures, coatraek, Formica <br />countertops, boxed in exposed beams in the Clerk's office;,200 amp electric service <br />and air conditioning. Not included were ceramics in the restrooms; however, the <br />rooms would be finished up to that point; no trim that could not be made at the <br />factory; no pipe protector posts. Also, there was not enough ,. room for the coffee bar <br />in the furnace roam but a chunk of the Council chambers could be out out for it. <br />Mr. Gotwald also read through the alternates and the deductions and additions. <br />There was some discussion on, the matter of underground heating as opposed to regis- <br />ters near the floor as well as on the matter of the canopy width. Glenn Rehbein <br />suggested that the wide canopies be left in the front but that a 2' overhang be <br />sufficient over the garage doors and in the back. Mr. Gotwald stated that the wider <br />canopies look better; that if the width overall was changed it would change the basic <br />design. There was some discussion on the two companies. <br />Mr. Cardinal moped that it be noted that the Council has reviewed the bidding specs <br />from Mattson Building & Supply Co. along with the Engineer and the Building Committee <br />and found the bid to conform to the requirements; that the original lump sum bid of <br />$89,795 minus the following deductions: <br />1. $2103 for using 26 gauge instead of 24 gauge metal <br />2. 1592 for using 8" insulation instead of 3" <br />3. 2732, for using a floating slab grade beam which meets building code <br />Total of $6427, <br />giving a net bid of $83,368 after deductions; also leaving the bid open to later <br />clarification if something should come up. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />The Krueger bid with a lump sum amount of $83,807 minus a deduction of $821 for use <br />of 26 gauge metal instead of 24 gauge, leaves a net bid amount of $82,986. This is <br />$382.00 less than the Mattson bid. However, Mr. Gotwald noted that we needed a com- <br />plete set of specs in writing from Krueger for answers on several particular questions, <br />namely; <br />1. floating slab with 16" grade beam 6. type of doors <br />2. sidewalks and front aprons 7. any or all of painting <br />3. insulation 8. type of plumbing fixtures <br />4. paneling and backing 9. heating & air conditioning <br />5. necessary counter tops & coat rack 10. light fixtures <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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