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08/24/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/24/1970 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 11:58:45 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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A request by Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. to place buried cable in Hansen's road <br />had been reviewed and recommended by the Engineer. It was noted that the cable <br />is at present lying on the side of the road. Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the <br />request. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Housing figures for 1969 for Lino Lakes were read from the latest DATA -log put <br />gut by the Metro Council. Mr. Dupre stated that he sends in figures from building <br />permits monthly to the Census Bureau. The Clerk was asked to make copies of the <br />1969 figure for the Council and Planning and, Zoning. <br />A letter from Commissioner Burman was read concerning the University- sponsored <br />Civil Defense meeting to be held in Anoka on Sept. 8th at 7 p.m. Mr. L'Allier_ <br />noted that Mr. Cape and Mr. Jaworski would be attending, and urged any other <br />interested officials to attend. <br />.An application for installation of individual sewage disposal systems by Morris B. <br />Carlson Trenching was given to the Attorney to look over. A letter from Mr. <br />Robert Hutchison (who was on the agenda for 8 :30) was noted. A letter announcing <br />the fall regional meetings of the League of Minn. Municipalities was passed around. <br />The Clerk stated that Mr. Gotwald had just finished the report for the,Conservetion <br />Dept. on flood plans. Mr. L'Allier read data from this report. Mr. Cardinal <br />moved to adopt a resolution to send the required "Letter of Intent" containing <br />the report to the Conservation Dept. Seconded, by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Copies will be made for the Council and Mr. McLean. <br />After discussion, Mr. Cardinal moved to set the dates, of Sept. 22 and 24 for budget <br />meetings. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. These will be noted <br />on the calendar for 8 p.m. <br />W. Locher stated that the bond and insurance for Morrie B. Carlson were in order, <br />it noted that a new application form should be made up since Ord. 53 has been <br />adopted. Mr. Cardinal moved to grant a license for individual sewage disposal <br />work to Morris B. Carlson Trenching. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />W. Robert Hutchison was asked to step forward for his comments. He stated that <br />the 1969 Legislature had authorized the County to set up public health services <br />and that he had been hired in July to start these services along with another <br />man whg would act as a trouble - shooter. Mr. Hutchison stated that they are <br />working full time; also'they-do not deal with municipal sewer and water, roads <br />or apprehension and violation of ordinances. However, their duties concern food, <br />sanitation, sewer failures (also in trailer parks), animal control, etc. He <br />will work with the PCA as far as solid waste problems go. He noted that the <br />County did not yet have any comprehensive ordinances dealing with any of these <br />problems except No. 1 on sanitary landfills, but that he hoped these would <br />eventually be forthcoming. <br />Mr. Hutchison gave his thoughts on what Lino Lakes' need for his services might <br />be: 1. Food, 2. Private water and sewer systems and 3. Surface water quality <br />due to discharge of effluent, especially from trailer parks. There was some <br />general discussion on how his office is to be run and how complaints are to be <br />handled, as well as the Johnson Landfill. Mr. Hutchison stated that he would <br />like a complete copy of our ordinances. Mr. Locher noted that the County <br />Administrator's office was presently making copies of his ordinance book and <br />W. Hutchison could likely get another copy made for himself. Mr. L'Allier <br />inquired whether Mr. Hutchison's office would undertake the responsibility of <br />the local health inspector and was told that they were trying to see if this <br />service was desired. Mr. Hutchison noted that there could be some small fees for <br />such things as sampling since this could become an awful burden for his office. <br />1 <br />
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