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08/24/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/24/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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a� <br />W. L'Allier stated that he felt that this was an excellent idea, that there is <br />a drastic need in the County for such services and that W. Hutchison's work <br />would be welcomed by all the municipalities. Mr. L'Allier moved that Lino Lakes <br />correspond with a letter to the Board of,County Commissioners giving our eom- <br />piete support for such functions, encouraging the County to adopt a Health Code <br />and welcoming the undertaking of the municipal health inspector's duties by the <br />County sanitarian. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. Carbon <br />copies will be sent to the building inspector, the health inspector, and <br />W. Hutchison. The Clerk will send the other items requested by W. Hutchison. <br />W. Locher discussed the,new PCA regulations on no burning with Mr. Hutchison, <br />who suggested that the date of the standards be changed from July, '72 to <br />January 1, '71. Mr. Locher noted that for now the municipality must enforce <br />the PCA regulations. He felt that there should be uniformity throughout the <br />county on these regulations as this would make W. Hutchison's job easier. Mr. <br />Hutchison stated that he needed a county ordinance in order to enforce the laws. <br />W. Locher read from the letter accompanying the Pollution Control Agency's APC 8 <br />regulations, and suggested that we ask for the extension of time to adopt a <br />no -burn ordinance as allowed in the letter. <br />W. Cardinal moved to correspond to W. Badalich of the PCA with copies to Mr. <br />Shaw and W. Lindell (both noted in the PCA letter) as well as to the County <br />Board and Mr..Hutchison, indicating that we are in the process of working with <br />the County to come up with a uniform no burn ordinance throughout the County <br />and that we feel we should be given an extension of time to March 1, 1971 to <br />comply with adopting such an ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. Copies of the letter will be sent to the Council, Planning and <br />Zoning, W. Dupre, and Dr. Midboe. W. Hutchison suggested setting up a meeting <br />on this. <br />W. Cardinal moved to authorize the ASC of Anoka to hold their election of officials <br />at the Village Hall on Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Seconded by W. Jaworski. Carried , <br />unanimously. <br />W. Cardinal mentioned that the Planning and Zoning had not met on August 19th as <br />there was not a quorum., Since W. Don Wahlberg had requested a variance for a <br />1 -acre parcel on Lilac Street, W. Cardinal asked that a special Planning and <br />Zoning meeting be set so that W. Wahlberg wouldn't have to wait 7 weeks for his <br />variance; he suggested Sept. 1 at 8 p.m. or at least before Sept. 14th. The Clerk <br />will contact W. McLean and poll the members as to a good date. W. Locher told <br />Mr. Wahlberg that the legal description he had was sufficient and that he would not <br />need a survey for the variance. <br />Jaworski mentioned that W. George Martin, Chairman of the Lexington Park Board <br />had requested a 3.2 beer license for a ball tournament to be held over the Labor Day <br />weekend at both Village parks as well as St. Joseph's park. W. Jaworski moved to <br />grant the 3.2 beer license as.requested with the stipulation that a certificate of <br />insurance is received. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />W. Jaworski stated that he,had received a complaint on thistles on Tilsen land at <br />the southeast corner of Lilac and 4th, and that there had been no response to a <br />phone call regarding same. Mr. Jaworski therefore moved that a letter be sent to <br />Tilsen stating,that the weeds must be cut as soon as possible, and also sprayed in <br />the spring, or else the Village will do the work and assess the charges and the cost <br />of assessing to the land to be paid with the taxes. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />
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