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09/14/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/14/1970 Council Minutes
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Mr. L'Allier stated there had been several meetings between the mayors of these <br />communities and these alternatives had evolved: <br />1. If we continue with part time policing, we are in violation of a <br />1969 law which requires training of these personnel. This law was <br />not enforced in 1970, but it has been indicated that enforcement <br />will be tightened in 1971. Therefore, to comply we must send our part <br />time officers for full time training.- <br />2. Individual full time police forces can be set up. However, it would not <br />be economical for Centerville, Lexington and Lino Lakes to do so. <br />3. The joint proposal for the 4 Village full time force. <br />4. The County proposal by the Sheriff's department. <br />Mayor Anderson of Circle Pines stated their choice would be the full time proposal. <br />The cost is quite comparable with the Sheriff's proposal; it is possible that the <br />County would subsidize a portion of the cost. However, if the Villages must pay <br />the full cost, then he would prefer to pick Circle Pines own force. If the County <br />were to subsidize 50% or so, it would be economical to go that route. If funds <br />were available for a combined force, they would go that way. <br />W. Mavity wished to stress there was no way he could say that we could get funds <br />for certain. The proposal does meet the priorities and would get a good review <br />by the advisory committee. He stated that at maximum it would be a 3 -year appli- <br />cation, with the application reviewed each year, and a new grant made on the second <br />IIIand third years. He stated that the deadline for applications for the second phase <br />funds was October 15, a final decision would be made by November 25, but funds would <br />not be available until the spring of 1971, maybe in February or March. The appli- <br />cations are reviewed by the regional group, the Metro Council and the Planning Committee. <br />It was noted that the grants are not guaranteed renewable. <br />W. Mavity stated that the grants are 60-40, with the government supplying 60% and <br />the Village 40 %. Not more than 1/3 of the funds can be used for personnel. It does <br />not cover cars, etc. The 40% can be made in soft match or it -kind grants (such as <br />office space or personnel). A new application must be made each year, and the <br />review is based on evaluation of the first year's program. The grantee is expected <br />to say how the-project will be continued after the duration of the grant period. <br />Mr. Mavity stated that the Metro Council office does provide assistance to municipali- <br />ties in making the applications in order to 'make them feasible. It is not realistic <br />to assume that the match will be made in money. <br />Mr. Mavity stated that the County could apply for the same type grant to cover the <br />same kind of proposal if their proposal is accepted. This would be a model of <br />coordination. He admitted that be was not clear on all of this, that he had not <br />studied the Sheriff's proposal. He felt that the need for better policing of this <br />area was great, that the combined proposal would increase the quality and efficiency <br />of the total operation, that modern management is needed, and that we could use 3 or <br />4 times the amount of men alloted in the proposal to cover this area. Eight officers <br />is not an ideal situation. <br />IIIMayor Munson asked whether Federal funds obtained by the County would have to be <br />used here to spread out in-the County. Mr. Mavity stated that the County could apply <br />for funds to use in any way they thought necessary, that it wouldn't have to go to any <br />specified area. However, it would have to be approved by the County Board to be <br />addressed to specific needs. <br />
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