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09/28/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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These minutes were taken of an informal meeting and are placed here for informative <br />purposes only: <br />The followup special meeting on policing was held at the Lino Lakes Village Hall on <br />September 28, 1970, presided over by the respective Mayors of Lexington, Circle <br />Pines, Centerville and Lino Lakes. Members of the four councils were in attend- <br />ance as were some police officers. Mayor L'Allier called the meeting to order at <br />7:38 p.m. <br />A questionaire had been sent out to part time police members; 11 replies had been <br />received. Mayor Anderson stated that the overwhelming opinion was for separate <br />full time police forces; 2 replies had favored staying with part time. A letter <br />had been received signed by 7 couples in Circle Pines who recommended going with <br />the County proposal. Copies of the Sheriff's proposal were passed around. <br />Mayor Rivard of Centerville commented that there had been repercussions on the <br />proposed subsidy by the County of 50% of the Sheriff's proposal from other areas <br />of the County. This was discussed. <br />Gene McMurchie stated that he would object to the remainder of the County sub- <br />sidizing this area on the grounds that he would not want to receive such money. <br />This was disputed by Mayor L'Allier who noted the proposals for tax disparities <br />correction, ,ar}icuiarly in schools. <br />Mayor L'Allier asked for comments from any part time police officers who would <br />like to give reasons for going with the County proposal. He personally found it <br />difficult to proceed in violation of State laws against part time policing. <br />Mr. Myhre felt that the comments on the bottom of the questionaires should be <br />reed. Mr. Anderson read Mr. Myhre's at his request. He had suggested that the <br />Villages hire their oWn full time police forces, keeping the present part time <br />men for evening work if the full time cost should be prohibitive. If necessary, <br />each department could hire extra men, not so with the County. Mayor L'Allier <br />noted that if they went consolidation they would need a committment from each <br />Village, that because of the investment, none would be able to pull out. Mr. <br />Myhre felt that Mr. Drowns' proposal could be cut somewhat -- he didn't see any <br />need for a tower and some of the other equipment at the beginning of the program. <br />Mr. Munson wished to hear the views of the Councilmen. Ron Jaworski of Lino Lakes <br />felt we should try the County since the combined proposal is prohibitive. There <br />was discussion, with the note that Federal funds might be 1 year to 18 months in <br />coming, even if approved. <br />Mayor Anderson felt that with the estimated growth of Circle Pines, they could not <br />go full time on their own. He felt that Lino Lakes would grow the fastest. Mr. <br />L'Allier felt that the ultimate was Lino Lakes own full time force, but in the <br />interim something else must be done. <br />Bill Bohjanen of Lino felt that we needed a full time force now and thought we <br />should try the County for 1 year with the 50% subsidy. A discussion with Mr. <br />McMurchie ensued on the current amount of service from the County in the town- <br />ships and villages. It was decided that the townships receive extra traffic <br />policing. <br />John Peterson of Centerville stated that before the new County Court system went <br />into effect, they received some money from fines; now they can't afford to issue <br />a ticket. He suggested that we get action for an evening or Saturday court and <br />
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